Tuesday, October 19, 2010

worse and worse

The stark evidence of the facts. A journalist of a weekly owned by Berlusconi's family uses the services of a corporal of the Guardia di Finanza (Italian finance police/tax police) for repeated unauthorized access to the official database .The Tax spies incomes and assets of politicians, judges, industrialists and journalists considered opponents of the Prime Minister Berlusconi. You will notice the similarities with the work of a newspaper owned by the Berlusconi family specialized in the publication of surveys and files relating to the sexual habits, the real estate issues and judicial affairs of politicians, judges, industrialists and journalists considered (needless to say) the opponents of Prime Minister Berlusconi. On the subject of information and conflict of interest (or if you prefer: beatings in the press) think that we should not add more.

The stark evidence of the faces. The extraordinary episode of Report ( a well known tv transmission about italian political problems )dedicated to the offshore banks of which premier used for the purchase of villas on islands off-shore off-shore in Antigua has had a long prologue to the appointments, mostly imposed by Brambilla (italian undersecretary of tourism minister) at the top of ' Automobile Club of Italy, a veritable assault on the coach as he called one of the few items collected by the talented Giovanna Boursier . What we saw is the indecency (the boyfriend of the minister placed by the minister himself to the upper floors ACI) could not get away from famous people surveyed (all tall poppies of the ACI designation cool) if not painful silences . People who hide behind undeserved desks manifeste precisely the stark evidence of the irretrievable breakdown of Berlusconi's so-called leaders of the country. Once we had parceled by the parties. Today, bought and sold in the markets of the master.

As we write comes news of the blockade of transmission with Saviano (the writer of Gomorra)and Benigni (oscar winner) and unwelcome because of their ideas. So it is complete crap.

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