Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Against ethnic stores

Novara (town in the north) gets the order against the stores' ethnic ',' After the no to the Islamic veil, the prohibition of "station" in parks and gardens for more than two people to sell and consume alcoholic beverages in all areas of green space with 24-hour 24-games, there's "the provisions to combat urban decay. " This is the order of "restriction of business and craft of selling products 'ethnic' and provisions for foreign operators," issued on 11 October by the deputy mayor of the town of Novara Silvana Moscatelli (PDL) is a successor to former mayor Massimo Giordano (Lega Nord) (party in the government) revoked by its function - but not resigned - to be appointed Deputy Mayor for Economic Development of the Piedmont Region.

The order sets out some stakes for the business of foreigners. First, the prohibition of open stores, "ethnic" like less than 150 meters from each other, to translate the signs in Italian, the introduction of a language test 'to assess the basic knowledge of Italian language and reading skills of an Italian text "unless the operator has not already earned a degree in our country. Last but not least, the prohibition of forming knots of people who consume food and drinks outside of work. "

"This is ridiculous order, restricts freedoms and discriminatory - says Nicholas Fonzo, Novara city councilor and member of the Left, ecology and freedom - ridiculous because taken literally would require the translation of foreign words now commonly used as a 'restaurant', 'pub', 'brasserie', 'bed and breakfast' and so on. Freedom-and discriminatory because it prohibits individuals to form groups outside shops, however, only turning to foreigners. Can you imagine a policeman in fact going to fine the group of boys outside the pub during the hour of the aperitif? "

For Alderman Mauro Franzinelli Security, the controversy of the opposition are "understandable, but instrumental." The order of the commissioner would have to do anything but a discriminatory: "It is not possible to concentrate the business 'ethnic' all in the same area of the city, particularly in the district of Sant'Agabio where foreigners, mostly North African represent more than 30% of the population. " This explains, according Franzinelli, because the spacing of at least 150 meters ethnic shops of the same type. "As for symbols, it is obvious that you refer to those languages that are incomprehensible to Italians as Arabic, Cyrillic and Chinese and not those easily recognizable."

"The ordinance is very general - continues Fonzo that last week, along with all the opposition, called for the convening of a special commission in an urgent session to discuss the measure - it is not clear which languages refer or who are the figures responsible for carrying out checks on. " Indeed, the order is known as "sales and / or production of handmade products that are predominantly 'ethnic' food." But what is meant by 'ethnic'? The text reads "products are not part of culinary tradition and Italian food." The croissants? The chicken curry? The hamburgers? No, "the kebab rotisserie of China and the Islamic butcher shop for instance." In short, the order points the finger at the Arab and Chinese businesses but placing them as an example only and do not explicitly evoke.

The content of this ordinance, it seems more political than technical. "Just a little 'more than common sense - says Paolo Cortese, commander of the municipal police of Novara - These ordinances provide for penalties which then are never actually applied." How to identify and fine in fact the "station" of two or more persons in a park at night? "The rules are there and must be respected - continues Cortese - The Italian test may seem discriminatory but it serves to protect all foreigners and Italians." Out of 35 stores checked by the ASL, 21 were non-standardized, 3 were closed for lack of elementary hygiene rules. "When we go to serve the legal documents in these stores, we frequently encounter in owners who are unable to understand the content of what is alleged against them. Then it is clear that the need to know the Italian is not discrimination but a matter of integration and the protection of public health. "

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