Thursday, October 28, 2010

The police spy on Facebook in Italy

In the U.S., including thousands of controversy, is studying a bill that, if approved by Congress, will allow the federal investigative agencies without a warrant to break into technology platforms like Facebook and gain all their confidential data. In Italy this have already done. The leaders of the police two weeks ago went to Palo Alto, California, and took away the first in Europe, a cooperation pact that provides for the possibility of activating an endless series of checks on the pages of social networks without having to submit a request of the judiciary and allow the time required for an international letter rogatory. This is because, they explain, the timely intervention is essential to repress certain crimes because of the speed at which changes in real time on the Internet.

The Italian digital detectives are engaged primarily in the fight against child pornography, phishing scams and data transmission, but also to avoid inconvenience to the public figures whose profiles are created without their knowledge. Intent may be shared, but in fact the police can open the virtual doors of our homes without requiring the authorization of a prosecutor. Specifically, the 400 staff of the Police Investigation Department of Post and Communications and record can browse through the nearly 17 million Italians to Facebook profiles.

But are we confident that everything will respect our privacy? In fact, a couple of years now, the Italian sheriffs riding over the prairies of bits,AAS Police, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza and even policemen plumb the Internet community to obtain sensitive information, build their network of relationships, confirm or refute alibis and prosecute offenders. More and more people lead a parallel existence on the Net and this explains why the investigations take their place alongside traditional long virtual stalking. The difference is that because of the enormous potential of the Web and the ease with which they violate privacy of others is very easy to get targeted by cybercop do not need stained with crimes, but enough to have allowed the friendship to someone who gravitate to environments "interesting" to the police.

In Milan, for example, a section of the local police wanted by Deputy Mayor Riccardo De Corato unleashes his "cast" in groups of writers, in order to infiltrate their community and identify the signatures of urban graffiti to track and report them to the authors for contamination . The bands of Chinese adolescents, between Lombardy and Piedmont, terrorizing his countrymen with extortion, are continuously monitored by the interpreters of the police who sneak into QQ, the most popular chat community. Even South American gangs, the protagonists in the past score-settling in Genoa and Milan, are monitored by the police. And the boards of the offices of the flying squad are covered with photos downloaded from Facebook, where the leaders of gangs that call themselves the Latin King, or Forever Ms18 were tagged with other guys from South America, enabling agents to know their plan.

True experts in the monitoring of the Web are now of Digos investigators, who have stopped growing a beard to stroll around the centers or to shave the hair to attend the curves of the staDIUMSs. Much easier to break into groups considered at risk with the click of a mouse. As for the Carabinieri, each operating department authorizes its military, the degree of sergeant up, log in to any website for undercover investigations, especially in the world of drug dealing among young people who use chat to fix the exchange of drugs or to order doses to be received in schools. While, to prevent trouble during the rave, the companies of the Carabinieri of the province was asked to join the social networking site Netlog, where fans of techno music come together for rallies calling fans from all over Europe. Searching for ravers there are twenty compartments of the Police Post and Communications, located in all regional capitals and 76 sections located in the province.
"Our goal is to prevent the raves before they begin," they explain, "and so we join in the discussions between the organizers and participants in social networks, forums and blogs." So it can happen that even those who have just participated in a chat room to comment on a band ends up being X-rayed without his knowledge.

In theory, these activities are coordinated by the prosecutor leading the investigation of individual facts or phenomena wider. The leaders of social networks do not hold us to know and speak of a general offer of cooperation with law enforcement to prevent their platforms favoring certain crimes.

A detective reveals to Milan "The Express" and, thanks to the permissions of the judiciary, which has long obtained from the makers of Facebook to see the hundreds of Italy's reserved as many people, even managing to have access to the contents of the chat by going back in time to one year. Those who believe that you have set the functions of confidentiality so as not to let anyone see the photos, post and exchange messages with other friends, in fact, if there is a suspect in his group, is laid bare and of these intrusions will never be known.

And the court is not always made aware of how investigations are conducted . A Carabinieri officer, who asked to remain anonymous, admits that certain violations of the law on confidentiality of communications are conducted with ease, "Sometimes," says the officer "create a false female identity on Fb, MSN or other chat insert in the profile picture of a woman police officer, preferably young and pretty, and launch the bait. Our attempts a virtual police officer with the person on which we collect information, possibly complimented for a tattoo. And soon we are part of his group managed to become "friends" of all the subjects that interest us. "

Of all this activity, the officer explains, "we do not always a guide to the prosecution and in minutes we only mention a mysterious source confidential." From today, under cooperative agreement with Mark Zuckerberg signed by the police, who carries out these investigations may fail to alert a judge to ask why "the investigative imagination can wander," predicts an official of Polposta, "and virtual observations can also be used in prior investigations. "(

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