Monday, October 11, 2010

The God of hate

There is a part of Europe that wants all people are equal, which tends to recognize civil rights, which is committed to ensuring that violence and homophobia are only reflections of an ancient unjustified and crazy hate .
And there's a part of Europe but that feeds this hate, irrational, violent child of ignorance and prejudice. It so happens that a gay pride parade in Belgrade is stormed by right-wing groups and religious outraged protesters in front of the opportunity to freely express one's being and attitudes. Last year, also in Belgrade, the gay pride parade ended in blood. This year, civilized Europe has had to witness once again to the denial of the rights of LGBT people.
5000 cops on the street and only a thousand participants, assaulted and insulted by religious extremists and neo-Nazi groups who have met in the streets Orthodox priests and their acolytes with religious banners. Respondents said they wanted to save Serbia from the devil, GLBT people are sick and that only God can save them.
And it is always God, or its mirror image, which is used by different peoples and different religions (sometimes it's a messiah, sometimes an other worldly presence) to foment hatred and discrimination and create death. And the books are "sacred", written by men, who are brought into the streets to justify his hatred.
"It says in the Bible" or "The Koran says," but then he had never studied these texts, perhaps he had never even read. So you justify the murder in places like Iran where gay people, even minor ones, are hanged in public. Or in other places, where if you are gay you are imprisoned or stoned. And then there is Europe, even places that say they are civilians like Italy, where being gay is not against the law but where it is still laughed at, beaten, humiliated and, unfortunately, sometimes, killed. Some will say that Italy is not like Iran. Of course not. And maybe even as Russia where the former prime minister (but then not so ex) Putin is a great friend of our current head of government.
Russia, a country where LGBT persons are forbidden to express their rights, in the terrifying silence of the rest of Europe. The pride in Russia are prohibited, the police intervened and arrested the demonstrators who, almost always, are also beaten by religious extremists and neo-Nazis always present to defend the honor of their country.
They speak of nature, They say that gay people are against nature.
And do not you ever stop to reflect on the very concept of nature.
When it is noted that homosexuality is in the animal world, they says: "Eh we are men,not animals."
So in that sense we speak of nature?
The marriage may have existed in nature? Of course not, is nothing but a social construction desired by men. And religion is present in nature? Of course not, it too is a social construction called for by males.
Belgrade is only the tip of the iceberg. Why not tell people how many homosexuals in the world are imprisoned, raped, beaten, tortured, killed? Why do not you tell people that the Vatican, at the forefront to save the embryos, has never lifted a finger or said a word to help homosexual persons sentenced to death or imprisoned?
God is still love? Or is it just hate, power, domination, violence?
Marino Buzzi

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