Monday, October 11, 2010

The institutions of hate

Giovanardi, the minister is the living proof of the inadequacy of the men of power in this country. For years Italy has been blocked by a lack of reforms and courage, a place where there is a strange conception of justice and legality. If you're rich and powerful can do what you want if you're a poor man must follow the rules. It is one of the countries with more culture to the world, but it works less, one of the places where you cut more on education, research, culture. If a Martian came down on the Italian sky to observe the political developments of our state would see a majority committed to a single man and an opposition that no longer enjoys any credibility.

Meanwhile, not only in Italy , there are growing forces of the extreme right, xenophobic parties and violent because in times of crisis can not be democratic,as when it comes to survival,always racist pressures are the strongest ones.. Politics and politicians are well aware of this ,and that is the reason why Giovanardi's words take on a social role as well as in front of a political crisis that these men have not only caused, but who can not put a brake.

The institutions in crisis, to divert attention from their own inefficiency, stick their heads down their scapegoats: Roma, immigrants, homosexuals, etc. ..., expendable minorities to be hated by people, an outlet that allows you to depress the pressure to give a little 'of oxygen to the powers that be in distress.

The accusations are often unfounded and / or inflated. He did as a well-known clergyman, not too long ago, saying that between homosexuality and pedophilia were some connectons. Now Giovanardi, undersecretary for family with a great desire to be on the newspapers first page, holds that in countries where legislation has allowed the adoption of children by same-sex couples, have increased cases of sale of children.

Very serious statement that finds no counterpart in any document and Giovanardi has not showed any written and / or reports from the agencies that deal with specific issues.

So what drives a man of the state to do certain very serious allegations? The desire to star? Or is there perhaps a cynical plot to spread hate in society toward gay people? We should perhaps remind Giovanardi that several other people before him have given rise to prejudice against ethnic / racial / sexual minorities condemning these then to the gas chambers, the gulag or concentration camps? instead of shooting nonsense why Giovanardi does not quantify omogenitoriali families in this country and does not work to ensure that children of these couples are finally considered in the same way as all other children? Does Giovanardi know that boys and girls are discriminated against families omogenitoriali from that state he represents?

We now await the reaction of those states who have been involved in the words of Giovanardi, nonsense words, discriminatory, violent, false, homophobic. Meanwhile, another gay couple was beaten by a group of men filled with hatred for something they do not understand.

Marino Buzzi

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