Friday, October 8, 2010

Professor Moffat denies the Holocaust in a master presented at Palazzo Chigi ( seat of the italian Government )

Giampiero CalapĂ  (La Repubblica)
A master dedicated to Enrico Mattei ,Eni and policies in the Middle East, deny of the Holocaust of 6 million Jews : professed by Claudio Moffa, University of Teramo ,was presented in pomp even at Palazzo Chigi, seat of the Italian Government.
The case broke yesterday. La Repubblica ( Italian newspaper) tells about a lesson of September 25 last year - over online on You-Tube - where the professor goes to justify the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler: "There is no document saying that Hitler wanted to exterminate all Jews." Moffa, however, is no stranger to incidents of this type, in 2007 the University of Teramo closed its doors to the Master "Enrico Mattei", to distance itself from the invitation in the classroom of the leader of the "denial" World , Robert Faurisson, a professor of literature (not history). Despite this precedent, the size of a beam in his eye, the University of Teramo and the Faculty of Political Science - in the meantime have changed their rectors and deans - has welcomed back the master Moffa.
The Italian Government ,this time, has hosted in a multi-purpose room of Palazzo Chigi, the presentation of the master, May 6 last, in the presence of Moffa, the rector of Teramo Rita Tranquilli Leali and the historian Franco Cardini. Professor Moffa quoted professor Robert Faurisson," The building which is shown in Auschwitz is a building that has no technical features designed to have been a gas chamber. The Zyklon B was used to disinfect the clothes of the inmates. "
The position of the Faculty of Political Science, was explained by the rector Enrico Del Colle " about the theme and obviously not the person, the position of the University is clear, and it is the same as three years ago when he had already spoken on a similar event. Exactly. Too bad that the master is then resumed. In 2007, following the case Fourisson, Moffat took a stand against many historians of the University of Teramo: "we whave worked and will work, research and teaching on the subjects of anti-Semitism, the concentration camp system and of its memory." At the end Faurisson did not speak in court, the university that day was even closed by the rector of the time, Mauro Mattioli.In those days the Education Minister Fabio Mussi who said yesterday "a professor at the University of Teramo, is organizing a course for denying the Holocaust, presented at Palazzo Chigi in May. He had already tried in 2007 and invited to lecture the well-known Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson. The minister then urged and supported the rector of the time, which prevented the right, closing the university in Abruzzo. Here has nothing to do freedom of expression ,here the subject is racial hatred and apology of Nazism, which are crimes until proven guilty. How long will the actual Minister Gelmini to understand that it is her duty to intervene on behalf of the government with a clear position? ". Pd by the former deputy secretary Walter Veltroni and Emanuele Fiano announces an urgent question to the Government.. Late, however, Minister of University Maria Stella Gelmini, in a speech to Tg5 said : "The words are unacceptable, they offend the memory of Jews died in gas chambers. It is not possible that in the Italian universities there are professors who theach to hate. "

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