Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Golden pensions:the italian parliament doesn’t want to change Rejected the idea of abolishing the privileges

By Paola Zanca on Il Fatto Quotidiano

On 21 September, the majority share has touched 498. One hundred MPs were absent. But it is not difficult to guess how they would have voted. At stake is the possibility of abolishing the pension to the deputies themselves. After all, why deny the opportunity to take three thousand euros (4200 CAD)per month for the rest of their days working just five years?

The practice hurry in 4 minutes and 49 seconds. Antonio Borghesi, IDV (opposition party) and deputy first signatory of the agenda, explained to colleagues that "there is nothing, absolutely nothing, of demagoguery in our proposal" can be done, someone would have said. As long as the contributions deducted in the payroll of parliamentarians will be "paid at the institution according to the job previously held by the deputy." And if one has never done anything but a politician? "INPS fund has a separate management, they use it also co.co.co - explains Borghesi - Calculate the contributions and provides the pension as a result, as for all workers in the world." Vice-President of the Chamber Maurizio Lupi gives the opposite view and opens the voting. Nothing to do, only 22, all IDV, they say yes we can.

The others do not even think about it. "If Borghesi had asked to speak about the past, we could discuss it - said the deputy Pd (other opposition party) Quartiani Erminio, - but he proposed to abolish the annuity. Point. And that is demagogic, populist, does not take into account the cost-savings that we have already achieved and reinforces the idea that Parliament should be composed of yes-men who meet a leader who distributes benefices, because they have no economic independence. " …"Too bad it has not said that day in the Parliament - replica Borghesi - If someone had stood up to explain this point, we could think how to work on." But no, everyone was seated in place. Why not just spend a peaceful retirement or to ensure that to politicians what is for everyone, including the poors. In the 220 million of euros (308.250.000 CAD) that we are going to spend the next year (as well as the past and even after that) there is more than anywhere else. There are those who take a board for the past twenty years who have been in Parliament two months and a few days: is the lawyer John Valcavi, Senator proclaimed 27 March 1991 and resigned on June 18 of that year, from April '92 enjoys a pension of 3,108 euros (4354 CAD) per month. Recently attended the Palace also the former leader of Power Worker Toni Negri: Radical elected from the lists in July of 1983, he fled to France after the "yes" to proceed with the authorization for his arrest. Borghesi has calculated his stay in Montecitorio for 64 days is enough to guarantee him since 1993 - the year of his 60th birthday - a pension of 3,000 euros (4203 CAD) per month. It lasted even less - a day to be precise - the status as a Member of three radicals: Angelo Pezzana, Graver Piero, Luca Bone. They resigned the day after the election but still receive 1,733 euros (2428CAD) for life.
Now, the reform introduced by the Prodi government (last oppositions Government before Berlusconi), the right to the annuity matures only after a full term (5 years) and take the age of 65 years of age. The point is that we continue to pay the wicked rule of the past, when one day was enough to secure a future in Parliament. Then we moved to a minimum of 2 years and a half….Thus - rebuild again Borghesi - Congressman Antonio Martusciello Forza Italy, 48 years, 24 months of work, receives 7,959 euro (11751 CAD)gross annuity. Since July he has been suspended because he was elected commissioner Agcom (and only through the reform of 2007 the two allowances are incompatible), but can feel comfortable that at the end of the mandate will still have to live on. The former minister Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, a member for 16 years receives 8,836 euro(12.380 CAD) gross per month. Enrico Boselli (SDI), 51, 7958 euros a month. How Oliviero Diliberto, secretary of the PDCI, 52. Annuity for more than 6,000 euros (8406 CAD) per month for the fifty years old (or so) Udeur Mauro Fabris, the former secretary of the PRC Franco Giordano, Maurizio Ronconi UDC, Dario Rivolta Forza Italy. Exceed eight thousand euros (11.200 CAD) 57enne Marco Taradash, the same age Alfonso Gianni, Vittorio Sgarbi , just to name a few. It Can do a certain effect that the protagonists of the dark years of the First Republic are still fed by the Italian State. It is true that the former Minister Claudio Martelli returned 800 million of liras to rectify any conviction to the Income Security. It is also true that still arrive each month on behalf of 8,455 euros as a reward for his career in Parliament. O Paolo Pillitteri, a former mayor of Milan, in the nineties sentenced for crimes against public administration: he was a Member and he is entitled to more than four thousand euros (5600 CAD)per month.
139 Millions of euros (195.000.000 CAD) we spend on life annuities for Members of the Parliament in 2010.
3.108 (4354 CAD) is the average amount of monthly pension for an MP
80 millions of euros (112.00.000 CAD) the annual expenses for grants to the former senators.
498 members of the Parliament who voted NO to discuss more the subject.

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