Monday, October 4, 2010

More about the Pope in Palermo and the Freedom in Italy

Here comes the Pope, the Constitution suspended, ducetto blasphemer is willing to do anything to win back the silence of the Church hierarchy may seem obvious. That his interior minister - a party celebrating the pagan Celtic! - He was ready, with a similar kiss the slipper clerical, to trample the most basic constitutional rights of citizens of Palermo, is just another "rape of the Constitution" that Peter has rightly charged with this most infamous regime every day.

But the face of such enormity that the newspapers that call themselves "independent" licenses do not box, that their columnists are always ready to flaunt the "liberal values" do shrug, that the opposition Democratic Party and other Casini even being aware of the havoc done that the Head of State, representing the unity of the nation under the constraint of the Constitution, do dumb, terrified and frozen with all of this leave.

Yesterday, in fact, in Palermo, suspended constitutional freedoms, and unless this site has yet nobody complained. Yet it is a real "rape of the Constitution" to be removed a banner that citizens wanted to "freely express their thoughts through speech, writing, and any other means of communication" (Article 21 of the Italian Constitution, in theory not yet repealed). That banner was right even if there had been written "Down with Ratzinger!" In all its ramifications and variations, of course. Instead reported just one sentence of the Gospel of Matthew 21.13: "My house is a house of prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves", words that Ratzinger would be the very words of God, but that hard-working officials Government of the blasphemer and Celtic have to remove, even by involving firefighters.

It is not enough: the Library "Altroquando", a historical library of Palermo, in the few libraries (applies to all of Italy) who are still centers of cultural life in the supermarket rather than mere book, it was ironic posted a sign saying " I love Milingo "[see youtube video attached here]. The police took away, without a warrant of any magistrate, in violation of not only Article 21 but also Article 14 of the Constitution, which states: "The home is inviolable. There may be inspected, searches or seizures, except in the cases and manner prescribed by law in accordance with the guarantees prescribed for safeguarding personal freedom. "

Faced with all this silence is not acceptable, the clever distinctions, the warm "taken away". And if you ran the intellectuals are silent, we are launching Web sites to collect signatures.

Not only that. Who ordered to remove posters and banners has committed a crime. And in Italy the prosecution is required. We wonder what's the prosecutor in Palermo to open an investigation to identify those responsible for these abuses, the principals - in all their hierarchical chain, because the police obey the prefects and prefects of the Interior Minister and Prime Minister blasphemer - by this unacceptable violation of our most basic freedoms.
(from il Fatto Quotidiano website)

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