Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Protest day by Purple People (Popolo Viola)

The policy has to learn from them yet. All predictions wrong, all evaluations of the staffs of the policy. Without resources, no money and no equipment, once again the Purple people (a protest movement born on Facebook against Government ) filled the streets of Rome.

One worrying gathering of troublemakers: hoisted subversive slogans such as "who seeds culture collects democracy" and posters of questionable taste, such as with the 500 euro banknote and an inscription below: "This is my salary." The organizers were even worse, as exhibited purple shirt with a yellow writing: "We are partisans, you courtiers." Maybe it will be the case that the policy this time will really make herself some questions. For example, ask why a handful of boys, aged between 18 and 35 years, armed only with sticks Internet has the potential to mobilize more than the entire parliament oppositions. It will perhaps be the case to stop with the stereotypes, caricatures, the continuous portraying these guys as subversive of free ideas and slogans good for every occasions.If there was one thing that struck yesterday, through the crowd, was the sense of poise and festive serenity which filled everyone went to Piazza San Giovanni. Students and professors, all signs of insecure and color, ultralaureati frying chips at McDonald's and while preparing the master knowing of being judged by a a commission made up.

Politicians Paint them as a patrol of rowdy fans, but they are people with a head on his shoulders, reading and making information on the Internet and in newspapers, part of the enlightened minority who still devours books. There is a very important point, which still must be told, if you try to paint this place: Purple people is one in the long history of opposition movements organized in Italy which does not know any way of verbal violence and extremism physics, which bans the keeping order services, which represent themselves without mediation, without resort to illegal hiring agencies of political consensus. The moment of greatest emotion, yesterday, the slogans shouted, when Salvatore Borsellino spoke ( son of a investogator killed by mafia as he was investigating about policy and mafia connections), was: "Out of the mafia from the state." If the parties of the opposition, before rolling up their sleeves, could just think we can learn something from these guys, maybe Berlusconi could have a bit more difficulty to extend its political and media dusk.

Luca Telese in Fatto Quotidiano October 3, 2010

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