Thursday, October 14, 2010

The policy of unnecessary and costly missions

Spot for tourists, out of control. It is. A waste of 100 million (150.000.000 CAD)per year with Roberto Formigoni (Lombardia Governor) record holder among the globetrotters who since 1995 has led delegations to 49 countries, from Calcutta to Hanoi until the meeting with Fidel Castro. The last mission, the Expo in Shanghai involved 600 politicians from regional councilors, mayors and councilors. For one of them, the assessor Calabrese Antonio Caridi was "an unmissable showcase for our crafts."

A dense network of travel and business delegations are shuttling between Turin and Dubai since 2006 to promote the beauty of their land , just as they did in Belarus and Japan.
Governors, Cabinet members, advisors, regional municipalities, provinces and universities are eternally committed to travel the world without knowing for what purpose. The Members of Piedmont, in 2009 spent 267mila euro (380000CAD) of travels . The Lombards 440 000, of which only 200 000 Formigoni. Calculating the missions the region rose to 3.6 million refund.
In Liguria between 2006 and 2007 were 2.8 million spent for missions (including employees) travel assessors (in China, Canada, Uruguay, Brazil and Russia) has cost 400 000 euro. The rich autonomous province of Trento in 2005 spent 226 thousand euro, in 2006 to buy 750 tickets to employees.

Campania, Lazio and Sicily in 2009 alone they spent 450 thousand euro (635000 CAD). Record holder among the travellers is regional member Joseph Gennuso MPA, who spent 122 days out of Sicily for 45 institutional missions.
Favorite destinations: U.S., Australia, Morocco, Miami Beach , New York
The province of Siracusa have relations with Uzbekistan but from the Asian country not a single visitor came to Sicily. In 2007, the region of Sicily has spent 1.6 billion to increase foreign visitors despite the visitors to the island have fallen by 1, 7% in 2008 and 7% in 2009.

A lot of money spent on advisors with the suitcases and forever never required to show a balance in their shipments. Luckily sometimes the judges ask for some explanations. Gianluca Rinaldin, ras of the PDL in Como (re-elected by popular acclaim) is on trial for corruption and fraud for trips to Brazil, Lapland and New Jersey. He traveled much the former alderman who has bargained Piergianni Prosperini 3 years and 5 months for corruption in Russia and loved to go to Eritrea, where according to the prosecutors also ran an arms trafficking.
A Power has accused the former chairman of the committee Lucani abroad, Rocco Curcio, a PCI-PDS in the past, remained in Australia in 10 days at the expense of the region.

Also the memorable "institutional mission" in 2005 the former mayor of Bologna Delbono in Mexico City for a conference with the then wife Cynthia Cracco, a touristic village in the Yucatan. He pretended to have lost the ticket and had to pay 1,480 euro "for missions."
Record-expenditure in Emilia Giuseppe Villani, the PDL, which spent 25 thousand euro to go from Argentina to Chile and the Socialist Paolo Zanca, 33 000 euro for betting in New York, Taiwan, Zwolle, Holland, Rotenburg and Santiago. Chile is a favorite of directors of Emilia, the delegation also present in the days of the earthquake. The visit of Emilia in the world, led by Silvia Bartolini, over the past three years has cost almost 3 million euro.
The crowded delegation to Columbus Day in New York in 2004 to attract tourists to the World Ski Championships in Valtellina has brought visitors from the States. The 2008 edition dedicated to Christopher Columbus has cost taxpayers Lombard 170 000 euro.

Nichi Vendola was in Montenegro, Albania, Istria, Egypt, Macedonia, Bosnia just as the governor of the Marches Mario Smash to "relaunch the Adriatic." The Molise Michele Iorio loves the U.S. where it goes, the annual prayer meeting in Washington sponsored by the conservative evangelical association.
Margherita Cogo, Department of Culture of the province of Trento was in Paris, Prague, St. Petersburg and Beijing to promote the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rovereto.
The commissioner Campania migration Alfonsina De Felice was in Johannesburg and New York to create cultural ties.... a bad habit for which there are no spending limits and limits on the number of participants.
On a mission in Catalonia in the province of Trento was attended, in 2007, seven directors have spent 18 thousand euro.

I could go on but I just stopped to reflect on the uselessness of these politicians' travel paid by the Italian taxpayers without coordination and without logic, without sectoralisation with potentially relevant countries as economic partners.
In Italy, they all move in a random order, as opposed to German politicians. because everything here is "institutional mission."

The Court does not always enter in the assessments about the travel, but a ruling in February last sentence Multari Lucio, a powerful former regional manager in 2003 organized a field trip to the usual Columbus Day, raising the initial cost from 35,000 to EUR 70 000 with 13 participants, among them chairman of the board, Bruno Casamassa, Udeur.
In 2008, the Court of Auditors has sentenced 10 former directors and officials called the town of Meda, acquitted at first instance: "The activities of an international character, already intuitively require a unity of purpose and a strategic overview, incompatible with the municipal level, "motivate accounting judges, adding that" these regions have to go through the necessary coordination state. " Where they had gone the assessors? As it happens, just in Shanghai.

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