Friday, November 26, 2010

The Haunting of Benedict XVI

Those who expect openings and revolutions in his last book will be deeply disappointed by the pope's words. His words, as evidenced by the excerpts that newspapers, television, radio, magazines and newspapers were careful to let us know, "provide the figure of a man perched on its position that does not understand the gravity of the spread of a terrible disease such as HIV (not to mention other sexually transmitted diseases) and which sees homosexuality as a test to pass.
Something morally unacceptable can to peep into people's lives and they are obliged to refuse, as good as Christians, every day, refuses Satan. A test then, probably just a proof of the evil that it exceeds what some call God put on our way to "test" our faith.
It is worrying that this chilling thought and it is to spread this "word" is the person who heads the largest religious institution in the country, if not the world, a person who enjoys the opportunity to speak to millions of people and, therefore, contribute to spreading hatred against gay people having impersonation of evil ..
No one expects words of comfort from the pope against homosexual persons who are, daily, raped, humiliated, killed, imprisoned and tortured in different parts of the world, no one hopes that the Christian mercy and love for neighbor could also include gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans which have always been subject to racial hatred and religious totalitarianism of the right and left.
No one even pretends that religion, the pope and the Vatican, which today is one of the most powerful institutions in the world, change his mind about homosexuality. We all know what is the thinking and ideology of ecclesiastical power. Only we would like to avoid, daily, to make propaganda statements homophobic, dangerous and lacking in any logic.
The positions of the former Cardinal Ratzinger seems to embrace those of another person very close to the religious and Catholic, Joseph Nicolosi, who claims to be able to overcome the ordeal of homosexuality to men. Talk about a natural variant of sexual orientation as a test to pass to argue that homosexuality can be "cured", you must surrender their nature in favor of heterosexual sexuality imposed by society both culturally and ideologically. The pope's words, read in this view, are very serious because it states that you should not and can not accept your own nature, but you must fight against it thus going to create problems for all those who, for cultural or weakness, already are not accepted.
If the pope would stop pontificating from his castle of gold, coated with gold and precious cloths of all kinds as a Byzantine emperor, and came down the street to live everyday as do ordinary people, perhaps he would realize the evil that does every time he speaks of homosexuality as a test or a bad thing for society.
Marino Buzzi

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