Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Better the pretty girls that being gay"-Associations in revolt:

"Better to be fond of beautiful girls than to be gay," said Silvio Berlusconi at the end of his speech at the Fair of the cycle and motorcycle in Rho (Milan). A phrase out of place without being harassed by any application, the externalized cold representatives of associations of homosexuals. But Berlusconi went further back also never abandoned the idea of gag: "The government intends to reintroduce a Bill in Parliament to regulate the interception, this topic is in the hearts of Italians, we have polls that say so." The law, he explained, will include three points: "the use of this instrument should be limited to international terrorism, criminal organizations, child abuse and killings, the eavesdropping can not be produced as evidence by the prosecution nor the defense

On Facebook, in a few minutes mounted the protest. After the sentences about gay prime minister, some have created a profile: "Better gay than Silvio Berlusconi."( The page, where the premier is portrayed with the Libyan leader Gaddafi, reached in a few minutes several accessions.

From Internet to the world of politics was unanimous dissent: "Berlusconi inaugurated the shape of whoremongers moralists." Franco Grillini stigmatizes the words of the Prime Minister. According to the honorary president of Arcigay these jokes are "homophobic, and just from bars and go along with those of last October."

Italy of Values, where Grillini is responsible for civil rights, has publicly announced that it will challenge the Prime Minister when he opens the conference on the family, from 8 to 10 November in Milan.

Berlusconi's line "hides its difficulty of these hours on the case Ruby," said Aurelio Mancuso, president of Equality and historical leader of Italy Arcigay. "I hope that at this time gays in this country, whether right or left, have a start, because a prime minister of this type is not really worthy to lead Italy." He continued: "Berlusconi has sought to convey a message very clear: I think he wanted to wink at the sexism and machismo that is always present in this country, and remember to heterosexual males who think in a way that is better to be these instead homosexual. " There is another aspect that Mancuso wanted to emphasize: "The prime minister of a founding member of Europe, which has voted for the Charter of Nice, is forced to fight all forms of discrimination including one for sexual orientation." A laughter is the reaction of the president of Arcigay Paul Patané that learns from the statements of Mr Berlusconi: "One might say that good taste should be preferred to the banal vulgarity. A machismo that thought out of date. In reality the problem is serious, it's amazing how we continue to refer to gay people with negative sense. At the bottom is a confirmation: "Italy is the European country with the highest rates of homophobia among the institutions."

Enrico Oliari, chairman of GayLib, sided with the center-right, seems resigned: "We are used to be embarrassed by Mr Berlusconi," he says. "The morality of Berlusconi goes to school there. The problem is not so much machismo, the problem is that these are the people who tell us how to set the Italian family. Every time I ask him the rights it gives us lessons on how it should be the family, and then hand it to minors. "
It is not the first time that Berlusconi stumbles into a gaffe against them: "Berlusconi has said different. Was the famous phrase that the other party are gay, "says Oliari stressing that the association is the principal center-right," Berlusconi would do well to catch up the other leaders of the European center-right, instead of shooting stupidities ".

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