Monday, November 29, 2010

Alarming because the wild partying:Wikileaks documentss

by Giuseppe D'Avanzo
A premier accompanied to Washington by "a deep mistrust." A man "incapable, vain." A European leader "ineffective", "physically and politically weak, exhausted and weak after days of long nights, wilde partys burned in orgies and parties. Nothing more and nothing less than a "spokesman for Putin" in Europe with whom has a relationship "extremely tight".

A relationship mediated by an obscure "Italian intermediary," sanctified by the common macho culture that leads to "wild partying." A bond celebrated with "generous gift" and profitable and lucrative energy contracts. Berlusconi may well laugh about it, how does , but the profile of the premier, according to El Pais, New York Times, Guardian, Der Spiegel,which diplomacy relies on is demeaning. Even in the few scraps of public information - nothing compared to the three thousand cablegrams "Italian" which will be announced in the coming days - our head of government is an unreliable political prisoner of a disordered life, vainglorious until climax, indifferent to the fate Europe, even seemingly detached from the destiny of his country, especially attracted by the business side of politics.

The image of a Berlusconi attentive to his private fortunes - more than the public that has been called to administer - is so entrenched in Washington that convinces even the beginning of this year, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to ask embassies in Rome and Moscow "for information about any personal investments" of Berlusconi and Putin that "may affect the foreign policies of both countries". As if the two "friends" conducting the affairs of State in the interest of their portfolio. We must carefully read the context in which these judgments flourish. Berlusconi, in a dispatch is called "a valuable ally," even if it seems to understand most of its weaknesses, making it manipulable for his political and geo-political choices. Particular care is required to assess the quality of the "sources" of the U.S. Embassy in Rome have confirmed that - as some suggest - "absolute confidence" in Prime.

Why not say so? Confidential documents of American diplomacy released by Wikileaks reveal that we know Berlusconi ,that one who stubbornly half the country can not "recognize" because they do not know, because most media are controlled or influenced by thePrime Minister can not nor want to tell. It is the Prime Minister that we can see every day, unfortunately: fragile as can be fragile people who live a world inhabited only by himself, as weak as the weak who leads a magnetized by his particular interest, as unfit to govern, his failures show every day as vulnerable are those who lead a chaotic life and therefore unreliable for those who must share with him the decisions, choices, a policy.
Today more than ever, in light of the despatches of American diplomacy, it seems sad attempt to liquidate the scandals that he was the protagonist in the last eighteen months as "rubbish", as gossip, as a violation of privacy presidential election. If the premier receives prostitutes in his private residences became seats of government, if in those buildings (Villa San Martino, Villa Certosa, Palazzo Grazioli) are consumed every week, "wild partying" with dozens of young women - some minors - recruited as best Talent scouts , professional or improvised, sometimes even on the sidewalk, if Putin's meetings with the Prime Minister lose all of chrism to be official, in a place protected from public eyes, personal and confidential information with an agenda that has nothing to political,it is an obligation to do those chores a political "case" . You can not hide these habits of power under the carpet as if they were negligible dust because those things tell the vulnerability of Berlusconi, challenge the credibility of institutions and, as the Republic newspaper has been saying for some time, threatening the national security, the international reputation of our country . ....
Sorry to fall into the conventional, but now the chickens are coming home to roost and there was never a doubt that this crisis would break out sooner or later. Why can not I guess it took talent to understand that if they are hundreds of girls around the highlights of those "wild partying," the head of government can be blackmailed and humiliated all the time. It was enough to wonder where they end up or where they may end up the information - and perhaps recordings and images - in their possession and concluded that the gradual unveiling of the dissolute life of Prime Minister and his private weakness, which could not escape to our partners and our most important ally, Berlusconi immediately made his unworthy of public accountability, unreliable for the Allies and at the same time discredited our country in the world.

We have lined up what we learned in the past year and a half. The feast of Casoria, the revelations of the meetings with underage Noemi then, the group of pimps who fills the palaces and villas of women in cash, in some cases minors, the confession of a woman who has been paid for dinner and overnight with the added promise of a political candidate. We can now really be surprised if Berlusconi is in Washington a frivolous inept, worthy of a "deep mistrust", concerned only to organize its wilde partys, completely uninterested in his daytime schedule of work a head of government? And then it really so surprising now having to draw conclusions about the adequacy of the Berlusconi's public office? The question was asked by this newspaper and in parliament by thirty-five senators of the Democratic Party. Berlusconi questioned by an interpellation on "potential blackmail of Italian Prime Minister and the risks to which they may have been exposed to all that information, even top secret, contained in the dossier that Berlusconi is obliged to consider and which relate to the defense of our country and the commitments which we are bound for NATO membership. "
"The issue - said the senator Luigi Zanda with words that now seem a prophecy - is also about economic security in Italy. For example, the sensitivity and vulnerability of our position (also mentioned by the Ambassador of the United States in Italy) for energy supplies and our relationships with sensitive markets such as Russia and Libya. It is not difficult to understand how a man of government whose first-person affairs of this nature and consistency of the economic and geopolitical, not be required to receive dozens of women at home with a lot of unknown recorders and cameras. " "Festina savages" and energy affairs, the political journey of Mr Berlusconi appears to be all here.

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