Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gays furious with Prime Minister

The representatives of the homosexual community, even those on the right, react strongly to the sentence of Berlusconi. And on the internet, post, articles, start by telling people outraged and offended.
MARCO EASTER (www.repubblica.it)

The homophobic WORDSby Silvio Berlusconi bounce in a few minutes on the forums and sites in gay issues, but also travel on the boards of Facebook of the main exponents of the Italian gay movement. The comments are those of people angry and offended, which ask associations to intervene, and not confined to public statements. Some would like to organize a major national demonstration in Rome, but also sit-in protest in front of the prefectures (and, for today at 18, the Radical Certain Rights Association is planning a protest in front of Palazzo Chigi). Others go further and even suggest a "tax strike" by the Italian homosexuals. Prime Minister reproach also the story of Ruby, with all its implications, and "partying with minors."

The associations that fight for gay rights claim an apology from the prime minister, while also Alfonso Signorini, a TV director who smiled the other times, has distanced itself from the Chairman of the Board: "This time I disagree with Silvio Berlusconi . On the sexual tastes everyone shall be free to express their feelings, without discrimination. " Enrico Oliari, chairman of GayLib (gay center-right) in front of the "new "i have it hard" by Berlusconi, announces its membership in the Future and Freedom. The Arcigay, through the chairman, Paul Patane, speaks of "macho culture backward and offensive to gay people
but also for women, who comes from an attitude of contempt for the dignity of persons and confirms the climatee grotesque and embarrassing in which the prime minister is plunging the country. "On the parliamentary front, the deputy lesbian Paola Tanning (Pd) shows that "the contempt of the Prime Minister for Women is amply demonstrated by the large number of outputs vulgar and misogynistic to which we referred in recent years, revealing the medieval idea he owns about women. Its equation of homosexuality in a negative value, is yet another demonstration of his inability to govern, to stay in politics and to keep abreast of European political leaders. "

The anger and indignation on the Web is fueling the hours passed. The video documenting the response of the gay President of the Council is spreading virally. While all major groups attack the prime minister, the web collects the outburst of homosexuals who have felt, once again, offended and trampled by the words of the Italian prime minister. Gay on the portal. it 1, bringing to mind all the previous attacks Berlusconi towards homosexuals, the outburst of the LGBT community is hard. "But how can determine what is best? 'S like saying that it is better than chocolate ice cream or with pistachios. . And always macho phrases against these poor women whoto be of some value must be beautiful. He talks? who to be watchable had to redo everything. As I say? We can only wish him to have so many grandchildren who prefer to watch the boys. He will pass away,gays will remain, "wrote a user who signed roudolph1250.

"Berlusconi wants to make a scapegoat the most vulnerable gays to divert public opinion from its mess," says an anonymous commentator. Someone gets angry with those who, in the video of homophobic statement, welcomed the sentence with applause: "What is most disgusting is that they have laughed about it and some have applauded! But in which country do we live?" . Over ten thousand contacts showed the piece in a few hours.

On Queerblog, many remember the story of Ruby to the premier and the "parties with underage girls." Resentment runs in the form of invective, sometimes harsh. "Better to be gay than to do with the minor parties daring!" Writes "marriage." Some are addressed directly to gay voters of the PDL, "Toc toc! The pro-gay Silvio awhere are you?," and then "Tell that to the many gays who vote." More Vehje net: "I would like to invite all the gay right, and those who voted and continue to vote for it, kindly spit in his face." The anger at times, gives way to disappointment and bitterness: "I feel humbled and I was really hurt by this phrase. I do not have to be respected even by a person with a charge so important?". Comparisons with other countries, according to the users of this blog, send us directly to those organizations where homosexuality is a crime: "We are the same as Nigeria," comments the user Gustolo.

Gay forum on the news comes shortly after 12. "Maybe he realized that he can just look at because if it had the texture of those not even touch with a pair of tweezers. And this would be a serious man?"

Another site, gay. TV 2, the actual wording of the reactions. "Better to be gay than to be the Premier," says assenziozero while Yagonos88 asks "how do you vote to continue this right racist and bigoted." Fearless says: "And that's what we pay for government? Poor Italy. It is even more sad to think that these measures because if they can afford." Only about taxes: "If straight people want him to recognize the superiority, say 'ok, you feel even more', you just stop to offend and humiliate gay citizens, who pay taxes as all other citizens heterosexual. "

the 'Board President's Facebook Arcigay, Paolo Patanè, raises the idea of forms of protest, even sensational. Johnny proposes: "Paul, we should begin to ask all gay Italians, to stop paying taxes. Or armed revolution, or you stop paying taxes. There are two solutions, and would like to avoid the first. " Claudio launched the idea of some events: "We must respond immediately and strongly to the allegations of petty and offensive Berlusconi. Let's go well with the sit-in in front of the prefectures in the short term but we organize a major mobilization in Rome." Among requests for intervention by Mara Carfagna, Minister for Equal Opportunities ("but she has nothing to say?"), One recalls the statements of Veronica Lario: "He had said his wife is ill, an international disgrace" Fabio Croce notes the editor.

It also suggests the possibility of a collective complaint: "You can make a complaint to the General Chairman of the Board? I would be the first in a long line just to collect signatures." The same outrage can be found on the bulletin board of a member of PD, Paola Conca. "I would note that while we gay / lesbian, love the sunlight, returning feelings and affections, he buys everything abusing his power and his money, commodifying the body of others," writes Alexander. "The only real excuse, now, is to retire from the scene and they go to do with the pigs his friends, attacked by shouts Salvatore Aurelio Mancuso, president of Equality Italy, which must also intervene to quell the excesses of some commentators. The same Mancuso, in a note, shows that Berlusconi "in trouble, pull off the joke homophobic, the Prime Minister of a country founded Europe, which has voted for the Charter of Nice, which is forced to fight all forms of discrimination including one for sexual orientation. Ask immediately apologize to the millions of Italian citizens homosexuals, right and left, and is ashamed of homophobia than any other European country would be immediately condemned by all political democracy. " Continuing with the associations, the Mario Mieli Homosexual Cultural Circle advises Berlusconi "a careful reading of the Constitution that he and his government would love to change," while paying a call on Italian MEPs to denounce "the regrettable behavior President of the Council through a query to the European Parliament. Finally, Imma Battaglia, president of Gay Project, says that "it is better to be gay, and I say a woman who loves women, who despise abuse, as now seems to do, of his position as rich and powerful man."

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