Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Enough with the comedy": Catholics arise...(finally)

Marco Politi
The bunga bunga broke the vase. From the Catholic diocesan weeklies is the revolt against the moral and political breakdown product from Berlusconi. It is a climate of late empire, writes Verona faithful, while the weekly of the Diocese of Trent says clearly: the elections are a risk to the country, but that does not mean we should give a Premier crippled.
National weekly broadcast across the diocese are the heart and stomach of the world church. The bright tones of a print anti-Berlusconi generally moderate, because under the direct control of bishops, reported that the premier has dramatically underestimated the women's adventures, but the Catholic world on minors is not joking! And do not even mess around the idea that the prime minister to focus on partying while unemployment, insecurity, inadequate wages stifle families.
The revolt was born. Enough with the tone from comedy to the crisis, marks the Voice of Berici (Vicenza): "The prime minister seems to have assumed the style of variety ... The vulgarity of some his phrasing, the idea of sending women, a lifestyle that has made the show his unmistakable figure, puts in doubt his credibility?. Interesting political conclusion: "It gives life to an executive, as wide as possible, who knows how to put the good of the country at the center."
The weekly Novara action, evokes the Titanic. On the bridge there is rejoicing, as we see a country where poverty and advancing the backlog. : "The inaction of the government confuses those who need a center that takes decisions in the face of serious problems in the country. A Pordenone Il Popolo directly attacks the Cayman. Berlusconi goes to freewheel. Behavior. In words. It's so challenging to defend his right to have fun with small parties, going to diminish simply decency. It is not what you'd expect from a politician with his responsibilities and his age.
It is not morality, it's disgusting what he does respond, the Catholic press, whose comments were raised by the agency Adista-ti. The weekly diocesan Pesaro title "Bunga Bunga" and let off some steam in an article: "It is not my habit to get their hands directly in the hunt, but if you clog the septic tank is necessary to do so. The call of the Prime Minister at the police station, the dental hygienist become foster regional councilor, outraged at the arrogance of their comic.
The Voice of Catholic Cremona is scathing: "Woe to him who is the slave of sin." The weekly Cardinal Poletto in Turin, the voice of the people, note the contradiction between the fleet sent against the boats of illegal immigrants and the call of the Prime Minister to help its immigrant community. The decision is clear: with a 11 percent unemployment can not spend months at the personal affairs of the premier. We change the electoral law, or at least, better to vote now.
Verona faithful Berlusconi stresses that an element of force has become the executive ball and chain?. But even in his sunset sees so much darkness around. The center Moderate Catholic sees no strong alternatives. Just the week of Verona is the alarm, and if Berlusconi does win again?

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