Monday, November 29, 2010

Alarming because the wild partying:Wikileaks documentss

by Giuseppe D'Avanzo
A premier accompanied to Washington by "a deep mistrust." A man "incapable, vain." A European leader "ineffective", "physically and politically weak, exhausted and weak after days of long nights, wilde partys burned in orgies and parties. Nothing more and nothing less than a "spokesman for Putin" in Europe with whom has a relationship "extremely tight".

A relationship mediated by an obscure "Italian intermediary," sanctified by the common macho culture that leads to "wild partying." A bond celebrated with "generous gift" and profitable and lucrative energy contracts. Berlusconi may well laugh about it, how does , but the profile of the premier, according to El Pais, New York Times, Guardian, Der Spiegel,which diplomacy relies on is demeaning. Even in the few scraps of public information - nothing compared to the three thousand cablegrams "Italian" which will be announced in the coming days - our head of government is an unreliable political prisoner of a disordered life, vainglorious until climax, indifferent to the fate Europe, even seemingly detached from the destiny of his country, especially attracted by the business side of politics.

The image of a Berlusconi attentive to his private fortunes - more than the public that has been called to administer - is so entrenched in Washington that convinces even the beginning of this year, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to ask embassies in Rome and Moscow "for information about any personal investments" of Berlusconi and Putin that "may affect the foreign policies of both countries". As if the two "friends" conducting the affairs of State in the interest of their portfolio. We must carefully read the context in which these judgments flourish. Berlusconi, in a dispatch is called "a valuable ally," even if it seems to understand most of its weaknesses, making it manipulable for his political and geo-political choices. Particular care is required to assess the quality of the "sources" of the U.S. Embassy in Rome have confirmed that - as some suggest - "absolute confidence" in Prime.

Why not say so? Confidential documents of American diplomacy released by Wikileaks reveal that we know Berlusconi ,that one who stubbornly half the country can not "recognize" because they do not know, because most media are controlled or influenced by thePrime Minister can not nor want to tell. It is the Prime Minister that we can see every day, unfortunately: fragile as can be fragile people who live a world inhabited only by himself, as weak as the weak who leads a magnetized by his particular interest, as unfit to govern, his failures show every day as vulnerable are those who lead a chaotic life and therefore unreliable for those who must share with him the decisions, choices, a policy.
Today more than ever, in light of the despatches of American diplomacy, it seems sad attempt to liquidate the scandals that he was the protagonist in the last eighteen months as "rubbish", as gossip, as a violation of privacy presidential election. If the premier receives prostitutes in his private residences became seats of government, if in those buildings (Villa San Martino, Villa Certosa, Palazzo Grazioli) are consumed every week, "wild partying" with dozens of young women - some minors - recruited as best Talent scouts , professional or improvised, sometimes even on the sidewalk, if Putin's meetings with the Prime Minister lose all of chrism to be official, in a place protected from public eyes, personal and confidential information with an agenda that has nothing to political,it is an obligation to do those chores a political "case" . You can not hide these habits of power under the carpet as if they were negligible dust because those things tell the vulnerability of Berlusconi, challenge the credibility of institutions and, as the Republic newspaper has been saying for some time, threatening the national security, the international reputation of our country . ....
Sorry to fall into the conventional, but now the chickens are coming home to roost and there was never a doubt that this crisis would break out sooner or later. Why can not I guess it took talent to understand that if they are hundreds of girls around the highlights of those "wild partying," the head of government can be blackmailed and humiliated all the time. It was enough to wonder where they end up or where they may end up the information - and perhaps recordings and images - in their possession and concluded that the gradual unveiling of the dissolute life of Prime Minister and his private weakness, which could not escape to our partners and our most important ally, Berlusconi immediately made his unworthy of public accountability, unreliable for the Allies and at the same time discredited our country in the world.

We have lined up what we learned in the past year and a half. The feast of Casoria, the revelations of the meetings with underage Noemi then, the group of pimps who fills the palaces and villas of women in cash, in some cases minors, the confession of a woman who has been paid for dinner and overnight with the added promise of a political candidate. We can now really be surprised if Berlusconi is in Washington a frivolous inept, worthy of a "deep mistrust", concerned only to organize its wilde partys, completely uninterested in his daytime schedule of work a head of government? And then it really so surprising now having to draw conclusions about the adequacy of the Berlusconi's public office? The question was asked by this newspaper and in parliament by thirty-five senators of the Democratic Party. Berlusconi questioned by an interpellation on "potential blackmail of Italian Prime Minister and the risks to which they may have been exposed to all that information, even top secret, contained in the dossier that Berlusconi is obliged to consider and which relate to the defense of our country and the commitments which we are bound for NATO membership. "
"The issue - said the senator Luigi Zanda with words that now seem a prophecy - is also about economic security in Italy. For example, the sensitivity and vulnerability of our position (also mentioned by the Ambassador of the United States in Italy) for energy supplies and our relationships with sensitive markets such as Russia and Libya. It is not difficult to understand how a man of government whose first-person affairs of this nature and consistency of the economic and geopolitical, not be required to receive dozens of women at home with a lot of unknown recorders and cameras. " "Festina savages" and energy affairs, the political journey of Mr Berlusconi appears to be all here.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Garbage in Naples...

under the windows of my sister...tomorrow she has to pay 200 CAD for the next month bill .....

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Haunting of Benedict XVI

Those who expect openings and revolutions in his last book will be deeply disappointed by the pope's words. His words, as evidenced by the excerpts that newspapers, television, radio, magazines and newspapers were careful to let us know, "provide the figure of a man perched on its position that does not understand the gravity of the spread of a terrible disease such as HIV (not to mention other sexually transmitted diseases) and which sees homosexuality as a test to pass.
Something morally unacceptable can to peep into people's lives and they are obliged to refuse, as good as Christians, every day, refuses Satan. A test then, probably just a proof of the evil that it exceeds what some call God put on our way to "test" our faith.
It is worrying that this chilling thought and it is to spread this "word" is the person who heads the largest religious institution in the country, if not the world, a person who enjoys the opportunity to speak to millions of people and, therefore, contribute to spreading hatred against gay people having impersonation of evil ..
No one expects words of comfort from the pope against homosexual persons who are, daily, raped, humiliated, killed, imprisoned and tortured in different parts of the world, no one hopes that the Christian mercy and love for neighbor could also include gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans which have always been subject to racial hatred and religious totalitarianism of the right and left.
No one even pretends that religion, the pope and the Vatican, which today is one of the most powerful institutions in the world, change his mind about homosexuality. We all know what is the thinking and ideology of ecclesiastical power. Only we would like to avoid, daily, to make propaganda statements homophobic, dangerous and lacking in any logic.
The positions of the former Cardinal Ratzinger seems to embrace those of another person very close to the religious and Catholic, Joseph Nicolosi, who claims to be able to overcome the ordeal of homosexuality to men. Talk about a natural variant of sexual orientation as a test to pass to argue that homosexuality can be "cured", you must surrender their nature in favor of heterosexual sexuality imposed by society both culturally and ideologically. The pope's words, read in this view, are very serious because it states that you should not and can not accept your own nature, but you must fight against it thus going to create problems for all those who, for cultural or weakness, already are not accepted.
If the pope would stop pontificating from his castle of gold, coated with gold and precious cloths of all kinds as a Byzantine emperor, and came down the street to live everyday as do ordinary people, perhaps he would realize the evil that does every time he speaks of homosexuality as a test or a bad thing for society.
Marino Buzzi

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dragomira and the 32 to venezia

But who paid? Anyone who has seen, says that ,insensitive to the grief of the lagoon, in reality they had a lot of fun. Venice three days, five-star hotels, dinners and lunches to Pantagruel from a merry band of thirty-two people. The Bulgarian delegation visited the film festival in the wake of Michelle-Dragomira Bonev, his "Goodbye Mama" and the fake prize of the Ministry of Culture created in haste in mid-summer by Sandro Bondi, has not been reported on the official program until the day before and then suddenly pulled out in a coup in the hours preceding the theater projection, it was held at the Lido 3 to 6 September.

Not landed on a scheduled flight, but by a German charter airline's wings flugcharter Private GmbH, tens of thousands of euro to be added to food, accommodation and food in one of the most expensive cities in the world. The news in Bulgaria polarizes attention for weeks, in Parliament and in newspapers. Sofia, do not like the idea that public money has enabled the Minister of Culture Local Vejdi Rashidov, friend of the Bulgarian Prime Minister but also of Berlusconi, the actress and producer Bonev and the rest of the troops to remain in luxury for 72 hours following a film which did not appear either in competition or in any sidebar. And opposition newspapers and investigation, while in Italy lay a blanket of silence on such Dragomira, have asked right at home to the person concerned. Before an investigation of the journalist of the Weekly 168 hours Vladimirova, a kind of Bulgarian Espresso, then the parliamentary question in September when Vejdi Rashidov, when pressed by the opposition statement before the Parliament to send a plane to transport people to Venice "was the Italian Ministry of Culture." After the denials of the Italian rite, Rashidov, committed to parry blows, increased the coverage insisted: "The important thing is that we have not paid us. Everything is in order. Who is the richest pay. The annual value of their cultural sector is 3% of GDP, only 0.3% of ours. " In his testimony, was added the statement by the spokesman of the close friend of Putin, Bulgarian Prime Minister Borisov, the same that he had met very friendly Berlusconi at Palazzo Chigi in just over three months from the Venice Film Festival.

Confirmatory items, net: "All expenses including travel are borne by those who have received". After the second thrust from the east, Italy have not raised more rejoinders. The fact is, however, we can produce an official letter of invitation to his counterpart the Bulgarian Minister. It is dated August 25. Bondi is more than in speech. A tribute to the traditional family: "I am pleased to invite you to the ceremony of the special award 'Action for Woman' (in reality something quite different, ed), the film was chosen for its careful exploration and unpublished (sic) by the female universe, the dynamics of a rapidly changing reality. " At the rear, the pearl, "suggesting how the relationships within the family unit are at the basis of a new open society and attentive to human rights. Looking forward to seeing you (...) ". As you know, already happened at Cannes because of Draquila, Bondi did not go to Venice. If you are looking for now his chief of staff, Salvo Nastasi, the phone rings empty. When responding, it is only to attack immediately. From the Biennale, after a long chase, they know that "no expense has been approached for the film Mrs. Bonev. And some argue that the Hotel Cipriani (where it was carried Ethyl gala dinner for the work of Bonev) and other facilities of the Lido (32 were too numerous to all be hosted on the Giudecca), has paid all the wealthy boyfriend of Bonev, an elderly Italian businessman. Fog. Ask the vice Bondi, Francesco Giro describe the plot of "Goodbye Mama" and the night of phony prize is like opening a tap. Speech is out of control: "To tell you the truth, I imagined worse. Bulgaria's unfortunately know more, but the film, although I have only seen half, not bad. Much better than having a lot of crap Italian in Venice, starting on Placido Vallanzasca terrible film. " It is a good time? "A story about mental, not so much." The scope of play, deals with a ministry in the chaos that changes every day

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

In Milan Christmas lights in a foreign language are removed

The order comes from the Councillor to urban design . Who says: "This is an Italian town and must remain." The decision comes the day when the city receives the official flag dell'ExpoMilano. It happens in Via Padova, the most multiethnic city. Four miles of road are lit by the wishes of "Merry Christmas". Were initially in six languages. Starting today, the language has remained one: Italian. To decide the commissioner to urban desifgn Maurizio Cadeo (brother of Caesar ex presenter of Channel 5 tv). The official reason: the lights had not been approved. In reality, the choice seems to be another. In a frantic phone call with the City Council of the Democratic Party, Pierfrancesco Maran, Cadeo said "Via Padova is an Italian road and so must remain." it heard, the commissioner said: "I do not like that one uses the Christmas issue of social inclusion."

For three years in the area no one had hung Christmas lights. This year, finally, it was decided to do it. One company has fitted the Christmas lights. Were installed in six languages, English, Italian, French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese. With the Italian had to open and close the four miles, 'a bit like when you meet and say good morning, "says Daniela Bianchi Airoldi, Theatre Workshop, who with 53 other associations active in the neighborhood. The same neighborhood in February was the scene of a revolt of the Egyptian community after the murder of their compatriot occurred at the hands of a young Dominican. The project, however, has not been investigated by the office ruled the Councillor Maurizio Cadeo, yesterday afternoon that she did remove, leaving only the Italian ones. Apparently did not like the fact that the lights were not only in your native language, because only those have been left are in Italian. "In fact - says councilor - some private addressed directly by the installer to enter written languages that were not planned"

But the City Council majority, the League's Matteo Salvini (same party of Cadeo) has criticized the decision falls: "Any more light on in Via Padova - said the leader of the Northern League - is welcome: So bad did the assessor to remove the lights, wasting money and energy which should instead be used for more important things. "

Maran had sought an explanation in Cadeo via telephone, which, in a moment of excitement, he answered: "It 'an Italian way and must remain an Italian way, with the written Italian." Maran replied together with his colleague Maurizio Baruffi - the holidays are a time for unity and think that the written language can hurt feelings is something stupid. In our opinion there is stupidity. The parties have an opportunity to decrease the gap and create inclusion. It is unacceptable that Milan should host the Expo. " Maurizio Cadeo replied "the decision is now final and I do not back down"

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A false school for the visit of the Minister

Cristina Luoni and 40 other teachers (Falcone Institute of Gallarate)
The Friday, November 12th visit to the SI Falcone Gallarate by the Minister of Education Mariastella Gelmini recalls some of the rarefied atmosphere and aseptic dark periods of our history and that of others, when you delete any element of disturbance in the environment a Minister has to visit. In this particular case to be out of place were teachers and students of the institution itself, which for the occasion were asked not to come to school for the afternoon and evening and every legitimate request for clarification was rejected evasive and at times rude.
Only the next day, the secret meeting was shown in all its grotesque splendor: the Minister visiting a school half-empty, surrounded by a bunch of student /photographers and chefs carefully selected according to inscrutable criteria, her words of praise for wonderful school, with an Italian for the truth not always worthy of the Academy of the Bran (the ancient academy that decides about the correct italan language forms), our leaders beaming in front of a table laden with feast and, finally, the young teacher on duty who is anxious to explain the use of IWB (Interactive Whiteboard Multimedia), magically appeared with the same teacher for the occasion.
The pervading feeling that there is deep bitterness, we do not know whether the order to "evacuate" the building was dropped from above because the Lady of education is concerned - perhaps rightly - a direct comparison or if the initiative is was the result of the zeal of our leaders that he wanted to give a few hours so serene illustrious guest, it is certain that a great injustice has been done to a group of employees that has the important task of educating and training people of tomorrow, and their students who are the real protagonists in the training world. Be treated as potential disruptersis simply ridicolus.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Waste emergency in Naples, is chaos

. Naples is in the grip of nearly three thousand tons of garbage and Terzigno back to the nightmare of the riots. Yesterday afternoon was found and defused three hand grenades near a meeting point of the committees against the waste disposal. The tension increased following the imminent reopening of the quarry Sari, closed Saturday for an order of the Mayor Domenico Auricchio, which interrupted the garbage depot. But the night passed without incident. There have been no spillage of garbage. The area was patrolled by committees of citizens who want to prevent the passage of trucks. The garrison lasted until the cold and rain have not had much of the demonstrators to go home.

The novelty is the notice that the Mayor of Terzigno has been registered under investigation for interruption of public service in order to contest the findings correlate with the landfill pollution of groundwater and waving that the recent analysis of ASL have declared false. Auricchio is ready to head back: "I care about the health of citizens, if the prosecutor says there are no risks, I have no reason to maintain the measure."
And if Terzigno may soon return to police vans and policemen to escort the return of the auto-compacting, Naples has the risk of being crushed in the garbage. Impressive mounds of bags blacks abandoned on sidewalks, only 2800 tons in the capital. Huge piles in the center, as we have not seen since January 2008. Mountains of garbage even in front of Villa Rosebery, the residence of the President of the State. The frantic rush to remedy the worst in the hole could produce patches. The manager of companies which collect the waste, under guarantee of anonymity, offers the following reflection: "In the day when the Berlusconi government decreed in Campania no need to landfills by deleting those few that were open, his Minister Raffaele Fitto at the State-Regions Conference asks the other governors the use of their landfills to help the Neapolitans.Where is the credibility of the government? So it's no surprise that Puglia, Emilia and the North say no waste from Campania. So he returned to play a card already used in the past: the junk ship abroad. During the era Bassolino the garbage war packed in trains to Germany. This time would have to travel by ship to Spain. As revealed by the newspaper "Il Mattino", they are working on an agreement between the Province of Naples, the A2A (the company that manages the Acerra incinerator) and an Andalusian. Objective: To carry in Spain 20,000 tons of wet fraction of the price per month for just a modest € 140 ( 210 CDA)per ton, including transport. Total cost per month: € 2 million and eight hundred thousand. More than 33 million (46.000.000 CAD) euro per year. Would pay for the Civil Protection. And so the stir, released by the humidity bloats blocking them, should return to work at full capacity to dispose of 9000 tonnes of rubbish abandoned on the sidewalks of Naples and province.

University competitions :to choose well in advance the winners is easy.

Here's the proof : in the Blog anyone can enter the names and then see how it went. So far, out of 160 contests, the odds are 114 matched. "The valuation of securities has no weight on the outcome Careers driven. Seats. Nepotism. When it comes to our universities these are the most common words. But apart from high-profile cases and prosecuted was not easy to demonstrate the mechanism that characterizes the repetitive university competitions in all the universities of Italy. To expose the widespread practice, the victory of internal candidates and easy to "guess" the winner, he succeeded the blog "Predict the researcher." Created "as a joke, without thinking of becoming famous by Andrea, a young mathematician who has transferred his brain abroad but dreams of returning to our country, the blog has become a phenomenon guessing over 100 selections and other 600 waiting for the results. And becoming the leader of many other similar initiatives.
First it was a pastime
"When I was in Italy at the University I was able to predict the winners of many competitions - says Andrea - actually making predictions is a very popular informal pastime,it is alleged that the winner deserves it or not. I honestly did not think that this initiative would become so famous, but now I've taken it very seriously in order to demonstrate what can be expected and that the valuation of securities has no influence on the outcome. " A demonstration of this last argument, Andrea complaint three case studies: one took place in Milan, one in Rome and one in Calabria. The three winners, in fact, at the time of the call (and perhaps beyond) did not have a PhD. The first, in Milan, had only two publications, in collaboration with internal member of the Commission. The second, in Rome,sported four publications while the contestants were up to 29 and the third is not even possible to go back to its scientific output. "Not only does not reward merit - Andrea says - but it is also unnecessary to change the rules because they still are circumvented." The solution, for the creator of the blog, would be "to suffer the consequences of hiring those who have taken over." A Swiss system, therefore, with continuous evaluation and step off of funds for those not reached expected levels in the contracts. "We should stop the shots of the teachers in salary based on performance of people who have taken - concludes Andrea - just so we could get results."

A problem all over the country
For now, the only results that are obtained Andrea competitions. Anyone can place his bets on the blog and show what happened after watching the trials. Awards were about 160 114 have matched the predictions, and often by more people. Like, there's the rub and it is clear to all. And Andrew is confident that they will prove even better the next 600 winners of competitions already predicted on the blog. For now, have been published only the results of 36 competitions, but in the coming days will be revealed all the others, that the fact Newspapers saw a preview. For now been met forecasts of 15 competition held at La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy 12 University of Milan, Pavia 4, 4 to Parma, 4 in Naples, Catania 3. A cancer that crosses the entire peninsula and that someone has finally decided to sue.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Earthquake in Irpinia, 30 years later

November 23 rd 1980. Thirty years ago. At 19.32 the earth trembled in the south, as did for years. The fury fell upon the towns and cities of Campania and Basilicata, the "bone" gnawed a South already hopeless. Three thousand deads, thousands wounded, towns razed to the ground in seconds. Million with no house, Balvano with the old and the children held hands waiting for the priest's blessing , Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi with his hospital crumpled, mortally wounded the Lucania. The state arrived there with a partisan president, Sandro Pertini, who three days later (it was November 26) arrives in the "crater" and was outraged. "There were no immediate relief that there should be", said on television. "I still hear the rubble moans, cries of despairs buried alive." The face of the man loved by the whole country, his words spoken in a trembling voice, shook Italy and in thousands, young men and women, industrial workers, technicians, teachers, arrived in the South were the volunteers, an army of good people who still believed in solidarity . It was the last episode, before the breakdown of these years, a large mobilization of North and South. After the earthquake reconstruction, often made of waste, unfinished works and always postponed: € 32,363,593,779 ( CAD) spent to date, an enormous sum that has enriched speculators, greedy developers, politicians, business scams , large financial groups and the Camorra.

The rigged statues of Palazzo Chigi

hands and penis to Venus and Mars .
In times of cutbacks to cultural heritage,a restoration cost of 70 000 €. The works were placed in front of a blue backdrop very kitch, built by the architect of Prime Minister, Mario Catalano

ROME - Venus has regained both hands. Mars, together with the right, also lost his penis for some time. Miracle at Palazzo Chigi. By the express will of Silvio Berlusconi. And in spite of the restoration of the rules prohibiting false and repairs that affect the historical authenticity of the artwork.

The famous marble group, with the Roman portraits of Marcus Aurelius and his wife Faustina on bodies of "Greek" Gods of Olympus, has undergone a cosmetic surgery that is likely to have serious negative effects on the sculpture by 175 AD . And the image of the school of Italian restorers in the world. Thus, after the controversy over the move from the Museum of the Baths of Diocletian to Palazzo Chigi (residence of the Prime minister), a new storm is about to fall on the 1,400 pounds of precious marble.

At the express request of the Chairman of the Council and the insistence of his architect Mario Catalano, the Ministry of Culture has completed an operation of "compensation" for the missing parts of classical sculpture, found at Ostia in 1918,. This choice contrasts with the virtuoso Italian road to philological restoration. And that clashes with the current regime of austerity that the Minister of Culture Sandro Bondi and the Economy Tremonti have required the protection of heritage (-46% funds for 2011): It is true that the cost of restyling shall be borne by the Presidency of the Council, but those 70 thousand euro could stop some most urgent intervention in the Italy of Pompeii, which collapsed instead of being spent on make-up.

"why in China the sculptures appear as new and ours have arms and heads missing? Complete the statues" would tell the prime minister after he saw , February 25, the Group of Mars and Venus, the statue of Hercules cornucopia and the statue draped and veiled women, from the classroom V of the Museum of the Baths of Diocletian in Rome, already cleaned up ahead of the loan. So it was that, while the "Veiled" was going to decorate the apartment of the Prime Minister at the Palazzo Chigi, the marble of the Antonine age was performed in the courtyard during the visit of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on October 7 and by pretend that the time has not passed the bodies of two imperial divinity, mutilation.

For years, Italian restorers hold classes and workshops in China on the conservation of works of art as they come from centuries of history. In the case of Mars and Venus, it is as if the teacher had left to divert the pupil. The arms, the genitals of the god of war and other parts of the hairs made of clay and marble, join almost seamlessly to the body of the original sculpture that draw the viewer in deception and violate the rules of the Italian restoration it plans to "declare "the difference between ancient and modern.

With the release of Mars and Venus by Berlusconi seems to be back to the centuries in which the cardinals were in Rome to complete the Baroque sculptors mutilated and headless statues found in the vineyards of the Eternal City, but today no one dreams of using multiple pins metal to support the prosthesis. Doubt also about the blue sky as backdrop ,which is the result of Hollywood-style Catalan architect: a scene that has nothing to do with history, style and decoration of the century building that belonged to the Chigi.

Authorised by the former superintendent of Rome Giuseppe Proietti, the "restoration" forced to work a dozen experts in the Roman College. In an attempt to limit the false history, the technicians of the Ministry have carried out studies on the shape and measurements of the missing parts through to similar metrics on statues: what is the position of the fingers that touch of Venus and Mars must be as long as its member?

The permanence of the 228 cm statue at the Chigi Palace, however, is hanging on the edge of the government crisis. And therefore the additions on the beautiful goddess and the male partner. The clearance of 29 March 2009 the then superintendent Angelo Bottini Rome - noted the request came from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers after one year before the prime minister had been struck by the statues - provided that "the loan will last until the end the legislature. " Once back at the Baths of Diocletian, where he hopes to soon end up in the renovation of the rooms, Mars and Venus are likely to be released by the parties reversed. No museum wants in his collections false hairpieces and attributes.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

And now schools will be dirtier

Daniele Martini
In many public schools in Italy last year the parents are self-taxed to pay for the cleaning companies and to prevent their children spend their days in dirty classrooms and toilets that they used more disgusting than an alley. In some cases even pulled up their sleeves, they bought brooms and detergent, they cleaned the locals. To prevent the institutes to turn into slums, Piedmont and Veneto regions fill the cuts by drawing on state funds in their budgets.
This year, however, how hard parents and administrators can do, are unlikely to prevent what in a modern and civilized country is not even thinkable, and that is that many state schools, elementary, middle and high schools, are abandoned . If in 2009-2010, in fact, the reduction in the budget for cleaning school buildings was an average of 25 percent for 2011 firms and unions provide a lot more drastic cuts. The final figure of bloodletting is still there, even if the data circulated so far are more than alarming. Yesterday there was a meeting convened at the Ministry of Economy but was present not the Minister of Education, Mariastella Gelmini, but by a secretary, Joseph Pizza, as if the whole thing was not an important affair,an event in a negative way,: schools without cleaning. But the comparison showed that a few days ago the Ministry has started yet another move to further reduce the funding for 2010 and the discovery has boosted the suspects.
Faced with the cuts already made and repeated negative signals for 2011, the cleaning companies have already set in motion procedures to massive layoffs of employees, about 27 000 people, starting with the 15 000 former workers socially useful (lsu ) now given by companies. Since September many businesses are operating without the certainty of being paid and now, with a letter also signed by the unions, a document from the polite tone, but ultimately, the associations that represent them, namely the Confederation of Fise-Anip the Legacoop services and Confcooperative -Federlavoro, informed the Minister of Education who do not make more to maintain employment levels intact.
In recent months an employee has been paid to the layoffs notwithstanding, that is, with public funds that supplement the income lost because of state cuts. Cuts that, on balance, proved illusory, hoped that more effective in terms of savings on final balances. But the funds end in a month and a half and at the moment no one knows if there will be money to fund it again, especially if there are adequate state resources for the work reassigned. In short, thanks to the law of stability (the former Finance) and cuts horizontally, ie without going too much for the subtle but striking anywhere, without any selection criteria, there is a very real risk that many public schools are left to themselves.
Not only that: because many companies also perform cleaning services for the care and supervision is emerging even the possibility that in the coming weeks, many institutions remain barred in the morning because no one is going to open the door and then left the premises are at the mercy of anyone , at the mercy of vandals and unknown. Unacceptable in itself, the matter becomes outrageous when you consider that while the government says it does not have the money for state schools finds them for private ones (expecially catholic ones) and increase appropriations, rising from 150 million euro a year to about 250. Until the 2008-2009 season, the state spent on cleaning in schools around 600 million euro per year: 350 for contracts awarded to former employees and 250 million socially useful environment for those who are known as the "historical contracts" , entrusted with competitions at regional and concentrated in institutions of central and northern Italy. Contracts of the latter until a few years ago were managed by the municipalities and provinces and paid directly with money taken from their budgets. Then the local authorities gave up this task by returning to the state appropriations, which in turn pledged to transfer money to each school. For years the system has worked well, then head back the Berlusconi governmentwhich now does not hesitate to leave school buildings dry of money.

Valentino, and others, the controversial relationship between celebrities and Revenue

Paying taxes is not always the stuff of celebrity. The motorcyclist Valentino Rossi, had shifted his residence in London in 2000. In 2007 we saw challenging the tax assessment of 60 million (90.000.000 CAD) euro not declared. Before him, it had fallen to Alberto Tomba and Diego Armando Maradona. The first accused was in the late 90's for bringing money abroad through a lot of companies in tax havens. The investigation ended with the acquittal of the skier who had remedied, however, while its debts with tax amounting to 10 billion lire. Maradona has been celebrated with the seizure of diamond earring, then auctioned and two gold Rolex watch. Woe for another Valentino, the designer and his colleagues Dolce and Gabbana and Roberto Cavalli. Sophia Loren, for tax evasion, even ended up in prison. Chapter, that of the yacht charter company and payable to rented by VIPs, that in this way were not keepers. In addition to Flavio Briatore, has happened to Vasco Rossi and Massimo Boldi. A suspicious to investigators about the real owners, the names of the boats: Jamaica No Problem "and" Chive "

Italy's left is failing to make the most of Silvio Berlusconi's decline

Even friends of Berlusconi think his time is up, but the left is divided and frequently upstaged by a former fascist
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Tana de Zulueta,
A leader of the opposition could hardly ask for more. If not quite on the run, Silvio Berlusconi is in a very tight corner indeed: a long-standing ally, the speaker of parliament, Gianfranco Fini, has demanded his resignation, four members of his government have resigned, the all-too-familiar sex scandals that have dotted his tenure seem to be spinning out of control and even his friends admit the man is a menace. A melancholy reference to autumn leaves in its headline, one of the Berlusconi family-owned newspapers, Il Foglio, recently listed a long catalogue of his political failings in a front-page editorial.
Good news, you might think, for the opposition. On the assumption, of course, that everyone knows who is part of it and who its leaders are. One of the peculiarities of the current political storm, however, is that these are both vexed questions in Italy today. A joint television appearance of Fini and Pier Luigi Bersani, the leader of the opposition Democratic party, in which the men were called upon to list the core values of the right and left, has brought the problem home.
Bersani, a former communist who became party leader last year, seemed happy enough to sketch out the familiar list: "Left," he kicked off by saying, "means that if you look at the world from the point of view of the weak you can actually make it a better place." His list included the right for the children of immigrants born in Italy to claim citizenship. Fini struck a patriotic note: "Right," he said, "means thinking it's wonderful, in spite of everything, to be Italian." Both men made pointed references to "decency" (Bersani) and "dignity" (Fini) in public office, in a bipartisan jab at the prime minister's shaky morals. Rather than an object lesson in the differences between the political left and right, however, Bersani and Fini's two short monologues sounded more like rival bids for the mantle of leader of the opposition.
Fini's increasingly open criticism of Berlusconi and his style of leadership has repeatedly upstaged the left. He had called for a new law on citizenship to improve the integration of Italy's growing immigrant population long before Bersani's recent statement – a position designed to irritate Berlusconi's last remaining allies: the anti-immigrant Northern League. Once an admirer of Benito Mussolini, the Fini makeover took on speed after his decision to break with Berlusconi's People of Freedom party in July. He has come round to decidedly liberal views on issues that remain highly contentious in the eyes of the Catholic church, such as same-sex couples and fertility treatment.
Some Democratic party members have found themselves openly wondering why the former fascist Fini sounds more progressive these days than some of their own more conservative MPs. Bersani's Democratic party is the result of a merger between the biggest, and more moderate, chunk of Italy's former Communist party, now members of the European Socialist bloc, and what was left of Italy's once-dominant Christian Democrat party. Though the two parties had long been in coalition, the political equivalent of marriage has proved difficult. Political infighting has seen out two party leaders in three years, causing problems for Bersani as well. The party is currently divided on the most urgent issue of the moment: who should replace Berlusconi as PM if he is forced out of office.
But feuding has a price. Recent events in Milan, where Italy's centre-left held coalition primary elections last Sunday to select a common candidate to run for mayoral elections next year, suggest the Democratic party is increasingly out of step with its own electorate. To nobody's surprise, Domenico Pisapia, a lawyer and distinguished former member of parliament championed by two small parties of the left, defeated the Democratic party candidate on a thin turnout.
Pisapia was supported by Nichi Vendola, the leftist president of the Southern Apullia region who stormed to victory in his own region in the teeth of fierce opposition from Democratic party leaders. For Italy's Democrats, still the largest party of the left, an awkward prospect looms. Could Vendola, Italy's self-defined "white Obama", trump them yet again in a national primary election for the leadership of a coalition push against Berlusconi?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Enough with the comedy": Catholics arise...(finally)

Marco Politi
The bunga bunga broke the vase. From the Catholic diocesan weeklies is the revolt against the moral and political breakdown product from Berlusconi. It is a climate of late empire, writes Verona faithful, while the weekly of the Diocese of Trent says clearly: the elections are a risk to the country, but that does not mean we should give a Premier crippled.
National weekly broadcast across the diocese are the heart and stomach of the world church. The bright tones of a print anti-Berlusconi generally moderate, because under the direct control of bishops, reported that the premier has dramatically underestimated the women's adventures, but the Catholic world on minors is not joking! And do not even mess around the idea that the prime minister to focus on partying while unemployment, insecurity, inadequate wages stifle families.
The revolt was born. Enough with the tone from comedy to the crisis, marks the Voice of Berici (Vicenza): "The prime minister seems to have assumed the style of variety ... The vulgarity of some his phrasing, the idea of sending women, a lifestyle that has made the show his unmistakable figure, puts in doubt his credibility?. Interesting political conclusion: "It gives life to an executive, as wide as possible, who knows how to put the good of the country at the center."
The weekly Novara action, evokes the Titanic. On the bridge there is rejoicing, as we see a country where poverty and advancing the backlog. : "The inaction of the government confuses those who need a center that takes decisions in the face of serious problems in the country. A Pordenone Il Popolo directly attacks the Cayman. Berlusconi goes to freewheel. Behavior. In words. It's so challenging to defend his right to have fun with small parties, going to diminish simply decency. It is not what you'd expect from a politician with his responsibilities and his age.
It is not morality, it's disgusting what he does respond, the Catholic press, whose comments were raised by the agency Adista-ti. The weekly diocesan Pesaro title "Bunga Bunga" and let off some steam in an article: "It is not my habit to get their hands directly in the hunt, but if you clog the septic tank is necessary to do so. The call of the Prime Minister at the police station, the dental hygienist become foster regional councilor, outraged at the arrogance of their comic.
The Voice of Catholic Cremona is scathing: "Woe to him who is the slave of sin." The weekly Cardinal Poletto in Turin, the voice of the people, note the contradiction between the fleet sent against the boats of illegal immigrants and the call of the Prime Minister to help its immigrant community. The decision is clear: with a 11 percent unemployment can not spend months at the personal affairs of the premier. We change the electoral law, or at least, better to vote now.
Verona faithful Berlusconi stresses that an element of force has become the executive ball and chain?. But even in his sunset sees so much darkness around. The center Moderate Catholic sees no strong alternatives. Just the week of Verona is the alarm, and if Berlusconi does win again?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The wiretaps between Berlusconi, the former Commissioner and the Director of public television were sent to Brussels for the shock of MEPs

"Forty years ago, when I worked as a correspondent of the press and broadcasting of Ljubljana newspaper Delo, the Italian media were an example for me and my colleagues, we had a system of limited freedom. I can not say that the Italian journalism is still capable of inspiring the public and professionals alike. " Before the scandal and the investigation about the pressures on public television director by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, the Slovenian liberal MEP, Ivo Vajgl, speaks openly of political populism.
Yesterday, the gate-Trani arrived in Brussels: the wiretaps between Silvio Berlusconi, the former commissioner Agcom (authority for Communications Guarantees) Giancarlo Innocenzi and the Director General of RAI ( the italian public television) Mauro Masi were sent into a classroom of the European Parliament, translated into English, and accompanied by an animation video for an international audience. An initiative of MEPs IDV Luigi De Magistris and Sonia Alfano, who promised to forward the intercepts across Europe: "We brought these interceptions in Europe to warn of the risk that the EU is running: the attack on the freedom of information is not only an Italian case but it may spread like a virus across the continent, "says De Magistris, who along with Alfano firm promise:" We'll send this video with the intercepts across Europe to show the interference of political power in the information in Italy, one of the 27 EU member states. " Even Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar, a Spanish Socialist, chairman of the Committee on Civil Liberties in the European parliament, have said the case concerned Italian: "The pluralism of information is one of the founding values of the European Union. About the problems of information in Italy, Bulgaria and Romania to the European Parliament is important for the whole Union "

Also translated into another language, harsh invective of Silvio Berlusconi to a State Agcom have frozen the atmosphere in the classroom of Parliament, packed with people. Annozero, a popular transmission which always digest the leader of the party of love, had to be closed. At all costs. Even the animation video cushioned the effect of the incredible pressure on a guy who became a little smaller on the phone with the "big boss". Only hearing the insults in English, the international audience have made a smile in disbelief in front of an event that you think would never happen in a Western democracy: an EU country, in fact.

The meeting was attended by Antonio Massari, journalist and author of Il Fatto newspaper investigation conducted by the small Bari Prosecutor in March 2010. The story is well known: a plot to the extent possible between political power, information and monitoring bodies. Characters that have never had to talk to each other, not in these terms, at least. For months, the Prosecutor of Trani has listened in silence to the pressures of a Berlusconi "on the verge of a nervous breakdown" made - or rather, shouted - Giancarlo Innocenzi, AGCOM Commissioner, to intervene to close a program that dealt with the Mills case, the negotiations between the state and Cosa Nostra, the D'Addario case, short of news that should not be given. "Everything has been done to draw attention to the story, the attorney takes care of Trani, or on judicial leaks, while the scandal was in the pressure on Rai," said the German TV journalist Udo Gumpel. Not surprised, however, Loris Mazzetti, who in his long career, Rai, has seen some good. "Nine months later, nothing has changed: Annozero is still under attack and two of its most valuable employees, Marco Travaglio and Vauro the cartoonist, working for months without a contract," Massari complaint. Not only political event, but many boys and girls especially Italians came from Italy. As Valeria Grasso, 40 years, a small businesswoman from Palermo: "These interceptions are a novelty for me, I had never heard in Italian. Take them and talk in Europe is crucial in helping us to stay in Italy free and democratic. "

No trains from Sicily to the North

SARA Scarafia (

Officially, the plan has not yet effective, but Trenitalia has in fact already deleted the long-distance trains that reach Sicily from the North. Because the only certainty at present is that from December 12 you can not book a train linking the South with the rest of Italy. Until 11 December bookings are regular connections ,from 12, the eve of the activation of the new timetable announced by Trenitalia, has black-out. A nightmare especially in view of the Christmas holidays. How will commuters who want to go home for Christmas? Book is currently impossible.
Also Undersecretary to the Prime Minister and leader of Forza South(new party) Gianfranco Micciche: "I tried to book a train from Milan to Syracuse to January 5, 2011 and I was told that the train has been canceled. And trains from northern Italy stop in Villa San Giovanni ( a town ath the end of Italy, just in front of Sicily.where they are put on ferries to get the island). I asked for informations to Trenitalia and I was told that because the resources have been cut for the railways, being a Trenitalia a Spa,it cut unprofitable routes. that this is the first effect of federalism? ".
The case is also addressed by Governor Raffaele Lombardo, who wrote to the Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation Matteoli: "These measures, if confirmed, further impoverish Sicily and Sicilians." The revolution of Trenitalia, though the entry into force of the winter timetable will be confirmed about long-distance trains in Sicily, turn into an odyssey travel to the North: by bus to Messina, through half Sicily Then the ferry, perhaps in the evening, to Villa San Giovanni. Finally, waiting at the station until dawn, hoping to still find a place on a train to the North.
Trenitalia does no confirmation nor a denial, two days after the complaint Fit CISL has warned. According to reports on the plan, to be triggered on December 13 with the entry into force of the winter, the rush of passenger seats goes from four thousand to less than three thousand. From Syracuse, Catania and Agrigento no more trains to Milan, Turin and Venice. It will also cut the links with Rome Termini. But what should a passenger do then? Who has to reach for example from Agrigento Milan now has five trains: if the revolution will be effective, there will not be any more. From Agrigento, therefore, should go to Messina by bus or with a car along 288 kilometers of road.
Arrived in Messina will embark on Villa San Giovanni: a ferry every 40 minutes. The last at 22. 40. Then, after crossing the Strait, will have to look for a train, hoping to find a place. From Catania to Messina there are 96 miles, 154 from Syracuse: from Syracuse depart today five trains a day for Milan.
Cutting the convoys will result in a cut of seats: and a consequent overcrowding of the sections remained in force. There is therefore a risk that after more than a half-day trip, a Agrigento person is forced to wait hours before finding a place? Or find a place but is forced to stand up for more than twelve hours of travel?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A catholic marriage in Italy :a State directed by the Church.

Rome, November 8, 2010 - Hard times for the wives who theorize marital infidelity and get married in church, although never put into practice the ideas libertine ', the same risk of seeing their marriage annulled by ecclesiastical court, by decision ratified by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, the ruling 22 677, has validated the nullity of the marriage of a couple of Bologna in which the wife had never made any secret, even to her husband, she does not consider important the practice of fidelity. It matters little that the woman has expressed views on the escapades only, and is never passed to the facts. In case of cancellation of religion, the ecclesiastical court of Modena had established 'exclusion from the wife of a bonus marriages,' "the duty of loyalty. In Case there was no separation of responsibilities in the sinking marriage, even referring to the attendance 'of other men, but this did not help to stop the procedure by the enforcement of the Sacra Rota (ecclesiastic Court that decide about validity of catholic marriages). The woman, therefore, had turned to the Supreme Court, challenging the decisions of the ecclesiastical verdict and trying to challenge the annulment of her marriage. the Court of the First Civil Chamber, with the ruling n.22677, however, has rejected her appeal and upheld a ruling by the Court of Appeal had declared the effectiveness ofthe Sacra Rota decisions. For the Italian law the verdict of invalidity of a marriage issued by the regional ecclesiastical court iis vald for the italian State. Now the lady will lose forever the right to any child support.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Minister prefers the helicopter

Brambilla, Minister of State for the tourism prefers the helicopter flights, paid for by taxpayers. Even for the meetings of her party Michela Vittoria Brambilla preferred an helicopter of the state and paid for by taxpayers. Already the Minister has a small record of 157.000 euro (220.000 CAD) spent traveling - and she is a ministry without portfolio (with no budget to spend for ) - against an estimated budget of 27.000 (36.000CAD). ...
It is December 9 last year, the minister takes by car (blue-paid but taxpayers), to drive the four and a half kilometers separating her home in Calow, near Lecco, to arrive to Kong Airfield, a small hamlet of Monte Marenzo on the SS 639. At that point, citizens have already spent 500 euro for the sole use of the car (this is the price expressively revealed in September 2009 for the hire of the vehicle). Which stood there, from nine in the morning, with at least one ambulance at the request of Central Calolziocorte 118 of Lecco( same that canadian 911) and a car of the firemen. Yeah, because when the minister moves, all the forces converge to prevent problems. When the ambulance finally back home are 11.20. Two hours later, however, the car goes out again to await the return of the helicopter of the Carabinieri, which travels on the minister....
The same scene is repeated at least once during 2010, how the daily was able to document. On March 13, the day when the minister is in Rimini, to meet the electoral committee of the PDL, then to attend a public meeting with local economic operators. And another service there for a month is booked and canceled at the last moment. On 16 October, then, in Caiolo, Valtellina, the minister is expected for the opening of a golf course, but the helicopter - tas written local newspapers - will not start because of weather conditions and mrs Brambilla was forced to give package. Each time the message arrives a day before the move. In this way all the necessary resources can be alerted. Refunds are then downloaded onto taxpayers. In the specific case of the ambulance, for example, the output is paid by the Convention between 118 and Regione Lombardia.
The number of trips, however, may be higher. The airfieldof KONG, a small private strip of asphalt between the mountains and the edge of a swamp, in fact, freely admits to not always know the names of passengers seeking to use helicopters on the track. "In my memory will be three or four trips a year - says Nadia Ferrari - but sometimes it's the pilot to contact us directly." Moreover, says the manager of Kong, to use the runway, normally intended for ultralight, many are almost always known. as r Minister Roberto Castelli, who lives about five miles to the east ....
But who pays for all this and on what basis? The prefecture of Lecco not confirm and do not detract from "substantive." But point out that it is "okay". For the office of the prefect, in fact, the movements of the Minister shall be approved directly by the flightoffice of the Presidency of the Council. That is paid by us. The same explanation comes from the core of the police helicopters in Orio al Serio, the nearest airport (27km) to the Kong. Colonel Margins, which controls the nucleus, confirming that a flight must be approved by Rome. About the deployment of emergency vehicles, is "a good idea'. We are more reassured if there are ". Even if you do not get answers from Rome - the office flights "is not open to the public, so we can not answer such questions" - is actually hard to believe that everything is in order.
So Let's watch the rule. Because whatever the official version, it is difficult to understand on what grounds the Minister can fly at the expense of citizens. The legislation on state flights, which was launched a few months after the establishment of the executive Berlusconi, provides for only two reasons, which must act together, to grant the privilege to the Ministers of the Republic.
We read the directive of 25 July 2008 for authorizing the flight must be no "compelling evidence and transfer needs related to the effective exercise of official duties." And above all it must not be "scheduled, or other available modes of transport with the effective conduct of those duties." Is this the case? On December 9 last year, for example, the minister is in Piazzola sul Brenta, Padova. Navigator in hand, for a common driver it is are two hours drive. Much less with a flashing light on the roof of the car. Enough to justify the flight of a helicopter? Not to mention the meeting in Rimini on 13 March. The reason to use of a helicopter was a meeting with the Election Committee and is this participation a public meeting?
Moreover, the minister feels important - a "leader for people" she said of herself in Vanity Fair - in Calolziocorte is a matter of some irony and a lot of hassle. Many remember the blue car parking everywhere or the jumping in the hairdresser salon jumping the line, fines that appear and disappear. So far as to create a funny anecdote about the Grand Prix in Monza, which already cost to Rutelli and Mastella,(previous ministers) guilty to have got there with a flight of State in 2007. Two years after we have the Brambilla and some say that the Minister for spawning the helicopter has arrived at her destination twenty minutes before her own car. And for once she had to wait.

A strange translation

After the problems with Google Street View new strange current approach of Google Translate? Yesterday it turned out with "Google Translator", and "not" vote for Silvio Berlusconi. As reported by many users, using software to translate the phrase "I have not voted for Berlusconi" English - but also from English, Spanish, French and German - the search engine automatically omitted the "not ". Trying with names of other political leaders, foreign and Italian, the translation was correct. In the evening came the explanation from Google: it was a simple computer error "due to an automatic translation that" identifies patterns in hundreds of thousands of documents to decide what is the best translation. " In the evening, the bug has been fixed: the translation was finally corrected: everyone can say -I have NOT voted for Berlusconi.

The business train to Fiumicino airport in Rome

At the risk control of the lucrative Fs on the Rome-airport
Daniele Martini (
Il is the train the most expensive, most profitable and one of the most battered of Italy. Each half-hour runs between Rome and Fiumicino airport, 31 km non-stop. It's called Leonardo Express because it comes from inside the airport, the airport Leonardo da Vinci, in fact. For Railways who run the business is a real business, better ot the new high=speed trains.
For passengers, however, is a different matter. For them, those 31 miles are a nightmare, the worst card that the Eternal City can offer to those who decided to come and visit, the worst for workers that use it everyday.A deputy, Aldo Di Biagio of the PDL, in a query has described as "horrifying" that trip. The coaches are the same for 33 years, uncomfortable, badly reduced, with the toilet often closed or otherwise unusable. Every now and then undergo a refresher, described as "revamping" , which consists of some work for not dropping everything to pieces, a little 'maintenance of the interior and the seats and mainly a plastic brightly coloured surface on the outside body that give a 'so new' impression. The farmers would once have said that is how to tie the pig.
So far the train was operated by the Railways led by Mauro Moretti, but in times of liberalization of transports, also Leonardo Express is becoming an object of contention. The NTV (Nuovo carriage of passengers) who is preparing to compete with Fs on high speed from September next year, would get even with his trains on the Rome-Fiumicino. Alitalia and Rome airports are in favor of this input, because in fact, they feel directly and poor damaged by the service offered to their customers by railway train. Alitalia, which now considers the Fs a competitor on the link above all more profitable, the Rome-Milan, suspected that the low quality of treatment offered between Airport and Rome is just part of a hostile environment. Rome Airports estimate that a little 'less than half of the approximately 34 million passengers arriving and departing (since 2009) use the trains .Everyone is not satisfied with the service received and to bring together often end up in negative opinion on the train also the operator of the airport.........

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pompeii: the collapse of the Domus Gladiators

Pompei: serious damage to the Italian artistic heritage as a result of a collapse that occurred in the archaeological site of Pompeii where collapsed the entire Domus Gladiators', so named because inside the athletes were training in the ancient Pompeii. The building was kind of a gym where gladiators trained and in which they laid their weapons within a few closets made in the walls. According to reports by the Superintendent, there were also painted on the underside perimeter of the room. The building, which opens on Via Abundance, the main street of the city buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD C., was only open to the outside and was protected by a high wooden gate.
The collapse, according to initial investigations, occurred around 6 am and was noted by the custodians have just arrived at work at about 7.30. The area is currently fenced and can not be accessed. The Domus is on the main street, Abundance, the one most traveled by tourists, in the direction of Port Amphitheater. Prepared an alternative route for many tourists.
THE CAUSE - "Early this morning - explain the custodians - the first collapsed the wall of the Domus, and then, given the weight of the ceiling made with concrete, collapsed the entire Domus of Gladiators. It seems - they say - which have been the infiltration of water to cause the damage. " Even as we learn the causes of the Superintendent of the collapse can be attributed to the rains that have created or infiltration within an existing embankment at the side of the choir, or the weight of the roof of the gym itself. The house, in fact, was bombed during the Second World War and the roof was redone in the '40s and '50s. It is likely - they know the Superintendent - the ancient walls, years later, no longer have withstood the weight of the roof.

In addition to the investigations carried out by the Messenger on the health of the excavations of Pompeii, numerous complaints had been brought out by several politicians on the state of degradation of the archaeological area. "For months we denounce, with articles and searches, the alarming degradation of the excavations of Pompeii. The most serious crash this morning is proof that the Government and the Minister Bondi underestimate the situation and tell, for some time, quite a lot 'of nonsense, "says Luisa Bossa hours , deputy of the Democratic Party and former mayor of Herculaneum. "When we raised the issue of degradation in the ruins - says Bossa - Bondi responded offended and resentful, defending the work of its commissioners. The collapse of the Domus of the gladiators is the dramatic, but inevitable, response to those who think that to govern means to tell a bale a day, attacking those who complain.The Minister should come here and be looking at them with his own eyes. The situation of archaeological sites in Campania is dramatic. "
According to the mayor of Pompeii, Claudio D'Alessio, the collapse of the building was announced, "happens when there is no proper attention and care" for a secular heritage that should be "preserved from all types of stress even air. There is the sorrow of a all community - said D'Alessio - a territory where there is the world's largest outdoor museum which unfortunately is often overlooked. "

Thursday, November 4, 2010

We are fed up guarding the Prime Minister's escorts

"We are fed up. We are not carabinieri ( police) to guard the escorts of the Prime Minister. Many of our colleagues were killed while they were escorting the magistrates or politicians who defend the state. And we i ... can you believe that? ". So talk some "boys" of the escort services. Carabinieri trained to defend the "personality" entrusted to make risk their own lives. "But here we are making the drivers at parties. For this, after being so quiet and obedient, now we want to, at our risk, make our voices heard.
"PARTIES at Arcore (prime minister private home) are in the week ends from Friday to Monday. Many are just on Monday. In the summer they multiply. We accompany the guests to the villa and then we wait it out. We see groups of young girls. They come with various means. Many NCC, hire cars with drivers. Some coaches, those from 10-15 seats. Some girls come directly with Emilio Fede(director of the most popular tv news show in Berlusconi Mediaset) in his car, others drop out of the car Lele Mora .
"Last summer we saw a lot of parties at the villa in Arcore. Other times we have accompanied our personalities in restaurants in Milan, such as 'by Giannino', in Vittor Pisani, Central Station. Or in a private homes . What do we know what happens there? There
imagine them, maybe use drugs or break the law and laugh at us, saying we are safe here, we also have-the police who protect us.
And which kind of people there are in those parties? When we joined up the police we need to demonstrate to be clean for two generations, our fathers and grandfathers had no propbels with the justice, and now we end to guard to people who maybe can not be cleaned ones. "
"Yes, last summer Arcore there was a bustle. Ruby? No, I do not remember, but you know, are many, all equal, ... ... We recognized a reporter. And some involved in tv shows. Many of them understand that they are foreign, many have the cadence in Naples. Then some leave at the end of party, other remain there for the night, but it is difficult to keep the accounts, there's a bustle that ...".The President? With us is kind. Sometimes he has come to say goodbye, tell a few jokes. Once he said: 'Oh, blessed are you who now go home to sleep, fuck does concern me'. ... One night she sent us a girl who made us belly dancing ...".
"At the end of the evening we report the personality at home. Some girls go out to Milan, the others remain in-house for the night. It happens that we must accompany personalities that go around to accompany the girls in residential Milan there, Sometimes he goes home with the last one.l And we must accompany our personality to the door ,and sometimes is "shames us"
take the elevator with an elderly man and a too young girl. We think of tour daughters and say we do not like this world. It will be moralism, but we do not like. "
"We happened to do missions abroad and foreign colleagues who encounter in our own work joke for this story-of the parties, and girls. But is it possible that we have to be ashamed for doing a work for the institutions and defending the state? We schedule eight-hour shifts per day, which often become twelve. We also do 120 hours of overtime, but there are charged a maximum of thirty, a 6 euro per hour and a half, plus a meal voucher from 7 euro. Okay-do not we complain, is our work. But I would like to do for the state, not-for this is shame. We would like to protect the personality of the institutions, not people who make us shamed before the world. " "However we are not complaining of our salary. Only we wonder if it is right that a pretty young girl with no other political experience to take 15 000 euro per month.
Gianni Barbacetto (

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gays furious with Prime Minister

The representatives of the homosexual community, even those on the right, react strongly to the sentence of Berlusconi. And on the internet, post, articles, start by telling people outraged and offended.

The homophobic WORDSby Silvio Berlusconi bounce in a few minutes on the forums and sites in gay issues, but also travel on the boards of Facebook of the main exponents of the Italian gay movement. The comments are those of people angry and offended, which ask associations to intervene, and not confined to public statements. Some would like to organize a major national demonstration in Rome, but also sit-in protest in front of the prefectures (and, for today at 18, the Radical Certain Rights Association is planning a protest in front of Palazzo Chigi). Others go further and even suggest a "tax strike" by the Italian homosexuals. Prime Minister reproach also the story of Ruby, with all its implications, and "partying with minors."

The associations that fight for gay rights claim an apology from the prime minister, while also Alfonso Signorini, a TV director who smiled the other times, has distanced itself from the Chairman of the Board: "This time I disagree with Silvio Berlusconi . On the sexual tastes everyone shall be free to express their feelings, without discrimination. " Enrico Oliari, chairman of GayLib (gay center-right) in front of the "new "i have it hard" by Berlusconi, announces its membership in the Future and Freedom. The Arcigay, through the chairman, Paul Patane, speaks of "macho culture backward and offensive to gay people
but also for women, who comes from an attitude of contempt for the dignity of persons and confirms the climatee grotesque and embarrassing in which the prime minister is plunging the country. "On the parliamentary front, the deputy lesbian Paola Tanning (Pd) shows that "the contempt of the Prime Minister for Women is amply demonstrated by the large number of outputs vulgar and misogynistic to which we referred in recent years, revealing the medieval idea he owns about women. Its equation of homosexuality in a negative value, is yet another demonstration of his inability to govern, to stay in politics and to keep abreast of European political leaders. "

The anger and indignation on the Web is fueling the hours passed. The video documenting the response of the gay President of the Council is spreading virally. While all major groups attack the prime minister, the web collects the outburst of homosexuals who have felt, once again, offended and trampled by the words of the Italian prime minister. Gay on the portal. it 1, bringing to mind all the previous attacks Berlusconi towards homosexuals, the outburst of the LGBT community is hard. "But how can determine what is best? 'S like saying that it is better than chocolate ice cream or with pistachios. . And always macho phrases against these poor women whoto be of some value must be beautiful. He talks? who to be watchable had to redo everything. As I say? We can only wish him to have so many grandchildren who prefer to watch the boys. He will pass away,gays will remain, "wrote a user who signed roudolph1250.

"Berlusconi wants to make a scapegoat the most vulnerable gays to divert public opinion from its mess," says an anonymous commentator. Someone gets angry with those who, in the video of homophobic statement, welcomed the sentence with applause: "What is most disgusting is that they have laughed about it and some have applauded! But in which country do we live?" . Over ten thousand contacts showed the piece in a few hours.

On Queerblog, many remember the story of Ruby to the premier and the "parties with underage girls." Resentment runs in the form of invective, sometimes harsh. "Better to be gay than to do with the minor parties daring!" Writes "marriage." Some are addressed directly to gay voters of the PDL, "Toc toc! The pro-gay Silvio awhere are you?," and then "Tell that to the many gays who vote." More Vehje net: "I would like to invite all the gay right, and those who voted and continue to vote for it, kindly spit in his face." The anger at times, gives way to disappointment and bitterness: "I feel humbled and I was really hurt by this phrase. I do not have to be respected even by a person with a charge so important?". Comparisons with other countries, according to the users of this blog, send us directly to those organizations where homosexuality is a crime: "We are the same as Nigeria," comments the user Gustolo.

Gay forum on the news comes shortly after 12. "Maybe he realized that he can just look at because if it had the texture of those not even touch with a pair of tweezers. And this would be a serious man?"

Another site, gay. TV 2, the actual wording of the reactions. "Better to be gay than to be the Premier," says assenziozero while Yagonos88 asks "how do you vote to continue this right racist and bigoted." Fearless says: "And that's what we pay for government? Poor Italy. It is even more sad to think that these measures because if they can afford." Only about taxes: "If straight people want him to recognize the superiority, say 'ok, you feel even more', you just stop to offend and humiliate gay citizens, who pay taxes as all other citizens heterosexual. "

the 'Board President's Facebook Arcigay, Paolo Patanè, raises the idea of forms of protest, even sensational. Johnny proposes: "Paul, we should begin to ask all gay Italians, to stop paying taxes. Or armed revolution, or you stop paying taxes. There are two solutions, and would like to avoid the first. " Claudio launched the idea of some events: "We must respond immediately and strongly to the allegations of petty and offensive Berlusconi. Let's go well with the sit-in in front of the prefectures in the short term but we organize a major mobilization in Rome." Among requests for intervention by Mara Carfagna, Minister for Equal Opportunities ("but she has nothing to say?"), One recalls the statements of Veronica Lario: "He had said his wife is ill, an international disgrace" Fabio Croce notes the editor.

It also suggests the possibility of a collective complaint: "You can make a complaint to the General Chairman of the Board? I would be the first in a long line just to collect signatures." The same outrage can be found on the bulletin board of a member of PD, Paola Conca. "I would note that while we gay / lesbian, love the sunlight, returning feelings and affections, he buys everything abusing his power and his money, commodifying the body of others," writes Alexander. "The only real excuse, now, is to retire from the scene and they go to do with the pigs his friends, attacked by shouts Salvatore Aurelio Mancuso, president of Equality Italy, which must also intervene to quell the excesses of some commentators. The same Mancuso, in a note, shows that Berlusconi "in trouble, pull off the joke homophobic, the Prime Minister of a country founded Europe, which has voted for the Charter of Nice, which is forced to fight all forms of discrimination including one for sexual orientation. Ask immediately apologize to the millions of Italian citizens homosexuals, right and left, and is ashamed of homophobia than any other European country would be immediately condemned by all political democracy. " Continuing with the associations, the Mario Mieli Homosexual Cultural Circle advises Berlusconi "a careful reading of the Constitution that he and his government would love to change," while paying a call on Italian MEPs to denounce "the regrettable behavior President of the Council through a query to the European Parliament. Finally, Imma Battaglia, president of Gay Project, says that "it is better to be gay, and I say a woman who loves women, who despise abuse, as now seems to do, of his position as rich and powerful man."

"Better to be passionate about a beautiful girl than a gay."

By Nicole Winfield, The Associated Press

ROME - Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi insisted Tuesday that his government would last its full term despite a new clamour for early elections after he intervened to spare a teenage runaway named Ruby from possible jail time.

Opposition politicians have called for Berlusconi to resign, charging that he abused his office by calling police in May when Ruby, then 17, was detained for an alleged theft.

Newspapers have reported that Berlusconi told police that a local party official would take custody of the girl from Morocco, who reportedly visited Berlusconi's Milan villa on at least one occasion.

Even centre-right commentators in Berlusconi's family-owned newspapers have criticized him for intervening in a possible criminal case. Berlusconi's now-estranged ally, Gianfranco Fini, said his antics had embarrassed the country.

But Berlusconi again defended his lifestyle and fondness for young women, telling a trade fair in Milan on Tuesday it was

His comments sparked immediate condemnation from gay rights group Arcigay, which demanded an apology for causing offence to both women and gays.

Berlusconi assured supporters his government still had a majority and would last the remaining three years of its five-year term. He said early elections would be a disaster for a country emerging from the economic crisis.

Italian voters, he said, "would have the right to say 'How is this possible? We elected you two years ago and we gave you the majority to govern and instead of governing you're here fighting.'"

He called the Ruby scandal a "paper storm" whipped up by hostile, deceptive newspapers and again defended his decision to intervene in her case.

In May, Ruby was detained by Milan police for an alleged theft but was let go after Berlusconi called police and arranged for a party official, onetime showgirl and Berlusconi dental hygienist Nicole Minetti, to take custody of her.

Berlusconi has admitted to intervening to help Ruby and said Tuesday he'd do it again.

"You will see when this is over that there was nothing more than an act of solidarity ... which I would have been ashamed not to do and I did it and I do it regularly because I'm made that way," he said.

Ruby, meanwhile, told Libero, a conservative newspaper close to Berlusconi, that she would tell her version of the story Thursday on a popular state-run RAI television talk show. Her comments have been inconsistent and even Libero questioned her truthfulness.

She repeated she never had intimate relations with the premier, though she said she "adored" him. She clarified that while another young woman linked to Berlusconi, Noemi Letizia, referred to him as "papi," she called him "premier."

Berlusconi's relationship with Letizia, an 18-year-old would-be model from Naples, sparked a scandal last year that prompted Berlusconi's second wife to file for divorce.

Soon after, a high-end prostitute, Patrizia D'Addario, claimed she had spent a night with the premier and had tape recorded their encounter.

The conservative Italian leader has said he has never paid anyone for sex. Prosecutors have said Berlusconi was not under investigation.

"Better the pretty girls that being gay"-Associations in revolt:

"Better to be fond of beautiful girls than to be gay," said Silvio Berlusconi at the end of his speech at the Fair of the cycle and motorcycle in Rho (Milan). A phrase out of place without being harassed by any application, the externalized cold representatives of associations of homosexuals. But Berlusconi went further back also never abandoned the idea of gag: "The government intends to reintroduce a Bill in Parliament to regulate the interception, this topic is in the hearts of Italians, we have polls that say so." The law, he explained, will include three points: "the use of this instrument should be limited to international terrorism, criminal organizations, child abuse and killings, the eavesdropping can not be produced as evidence by the prosecution nor the defense

On Facebook, in a few minutes mounted the protest. After the sentences about gay prime minister, some have created a profile: "Better gay than Silvio Berlusconi."( The page, where the premier is portrayed with the Libyan leader Gaddafi, reached in a few minutes several accessions.

From Internet to the world of politics was unanimous dissent: "Berlusconi inaugurated the shape of whoremongers moralists." Franco Grillini stigmatizes the words of the Prime Minister. According to the honorary president of Arcigay these jokes are "homophobic, and just from bars and go along with those of last October."

Italy of Values, where Grillini is responsible for civil rights, has publicly announced that it will challenge the Prime Minister when he opens the conference on the family, from 8 to 10 November in Milan.

Berlusconi's line "hides its difficulty of these hours on the case Ruby," said Aurelio Mancuso, president of Equality and historical leader of Italy Arcigay. "I hope that at this time gays in this country, whether right or left, have a start, because a prime minister of this type is not really worthy to lead Italy." He continued: "Berlusconi has sought to convey a message very clear: I think he wanted to wink at the sexism and machismo that is always present in this country, and remember to heterosexual males who think in a way that is better to be these instead homosexual. " There is another aspect that Mancuso wanted to emphasize: "The prime minister of a founding member of Europe, which has voted for the Charter of Nice, is forced to fight all forms of discrimination including one for sexual orientation." A laughter is the reaction of the president of Arcigay Paul Patané that learns from the statements of Mr Berlusconi: "One might say that good taste should be preferred to the banal vulgarity. A machismo that thought out of date. In reality the problem is serious, it's amazing how we continue to refer to gay people with negative sense. At the bottom is a confirmation: "Italy is the European country with the highest rates of homophobia among the institutions."

Enrico Oliari, chairman of GayLib, sided with the center-right, seems resigned: "We are used to be embarrassed by Mr Berlusconi," he says. "The morality of Berlusconi goes to school there. The problem is not so much machismo, the problem is that these are the people who tell us how to set the Italian family. Every time I ask him the rights it gives us lessons on how it should be the family, and then hand it to minors. "
It is not the first time that Berlusconi stumbles into a gaffe against them: "Berlusconi has said different. Was the famous phrase that the other party are gay, "says Oliari stressing that the association is the principal center-right," Berlusconi would do well to catch up the other leaders of the European center-right, instead of shooting stupidities ".

Monday, November 1, 2010

Berlusconi new scandal

The teenage Moroccan model at the heart of a sex scandal in Italy said Friday she was "sorry" for the trouble she has caused, as Silvio Berlusconi faced calls for his resignation.

Karima Keyek, 17, previously identified only by her stage name "Ruby", said she "felt bad" over the affair and had removed herself from Facebook, where she had called herself Ruby Rubacuore - Ruby the Heartbreaker.

"I'm sorry for everything that has happened," she said from a women's shelter in Genoa. "Above all I'm sorry because I've involved people who just wanted to help me and never asked for anything in return."

The girl ran away from home in her early teens and is understood to have worked as a belly dancer and waitress as she tried to break into television.

In an affair the Italian press has dubbed "Rubygate", she is reported to have attended dinners at Mr Berlusconi's villa outside Milan, where she allegedly witnessed group sex games that the prime minister and his entourage nicknamed "bunga-bunga" parties.

Her lawyer, Luca Giuliante, said: "She needs to be left alone because she is a very young girl involved in an affair that is much bigger than her."

Mr Berlusconi, 74, was accused of a gross abuse of power after officials in Milan confirmed they had received a call from his office in Rome on May 27 when Karima was being questioned about an alleged theft. Mr Berlusconi appeared to confirm the claim, saying: "I'm a kind-hearted person. I like to give help to people who are in need of it."

Opposition MPs said that in any other Western democracy, such an interference in the judicial process would have forced a leader to step down.

Mr Berlusconi's lawyers have strongly denied any suggestion that he had sexual relations with the teenager