Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Minister Bondi votes for colleagues

"After the sale of Deputies, representatives of the Government to hold together a majority, now increasingly shaky, using only instruments illegal, as the Minister Sandro Bondi this morning, on the occasion of a vote by the Ddl Gelmini (reform of the Universities strongly contested in the country) by voting either for himself or for Maurizio Sacconi, who was absent in the courtroom at the time of the vote. Bondi is ashamed in front of all the Italians, with this gesture puts himself under any ethical and moral rectitude which his political office would oblige him. "The senator of Italy of Values Stefano Pedica resumed this morning with its smartphone the minister who votes for his colleague in government. Shooting immortalizes the Minister for three times, but, as explained Pedica is from the beginning of the day that the Minister for Cultural Heritage vote for Mr Sacconi. For a total of 15-20 votes. As announced at fattoquotidiano.it, the group announced IDV battle for the afternoon. Pedica concludes: "The vote is illegal and therefore have to cancel all the votes. We will present the problem directly from the benches of the Senate and ask the president Renato Schifani the immediate expulsion of the minister

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