Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Minister Bondi votes for colleagues

"After the sale of Deputies, representatives of the Government to hold together a majority, now increasingly shaky, using only instruments illegal, as the Minister Sandro Bondi this morning, on the occasion of a vote by the Ddl Gelmini (reform of the Universities strongly contested in the country) by voting either for himself or for Maurizio Sacconi, who was absent in the courtroom at the time of the vote. Bondi is ashamed in front of all the Italians, with this gesture puts himself under any ethical and moral rectitude which his political office would oblige him. "The senator of Italy of Values Stefano Pedica resumed this morning with its smartphone the minister who votes for his colleague in government. Shooting immortalizes the Minister for three times, but, as explained Pedica is from the beginning of the day that the Minister for Cultural Heritage vote for Mr Sacconi. For a total of 15-20 votes. As announced at fattoquotidiano.it, the group announced IDV battle for the afternoon. Pedica concludes: "The vote is illegal and therefore have to cancel all the votes. We will present the problem directly from the benches of the Senate and ask the president Renato Schifani the immediate expulsion of the minister

Monday, December 20, 2010

Internet via public WiFI :another Government's lie

, Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, during a press conference formally announcing that the government had finally decided - after nearly five years - to repeal the provisions contained in the Counter-Terrorism Decreto Pisanu notorious for access to the Internet via public WiFi locations, replacing them with new regulations such as to balance the security needs and those promoting access to the Net

"From January 1" - Minister Maroni said at a press conference - "we introduce the liberalization of wifi connections as it does today ... no need to first register with the photocopy of the identity, etcetera, etcetera."
The video of the press conference here on the Internet, a reminder to everyone - including minister - his words.

For over a month since that date and, in particular to a handful of days after the end of the year, unfortunately, nothing has been done to turn the promises into reality.

There is therefore a real risk - but at this point, perhaps one should say the certainty - that on 1 January 2011 Italy continues to be the only country in the world in which to connect to the Internet while having some coffee, show proof of identity and then leave the manager of the bar extraordinarily large quantity of personal data relating to what we did on the Net

All this in full knowledge that serves no useful purpose to anything in terms of counter-terrorism and that, instead, represents one of many reasons of backwardness of the country in terms of diffusion of new technologies.

It is, however, and it spelled the same former Minister Pisanu, the provisions of the law of dubious constitutionality already when they were launched, weather now become, however, unnecessary.

So far, the Minister Maroni was just a bluff, also if media and politically successful. The Government has not really done anything to keep faith in his promises having had a wonderful opportunity.

On 15 December, in fact, the Senate approved the text of the law of Decree-Law security, without, however, agree to discuss the various amendments that sought to translate its words into deeds of Mr Maroni.

No doubt that if the government and the majority had wanted to keep faith with the commitments made, might allow to discuss the amendments, repeal and approve, so finally the provisions of anti-Internet and anti-freedom.

None, however, was spent for this to happen, a clear sign that the modernity of the country and the freedom of its citizens is, for those who govern us, only a few words at the press conference but not much more, or at least not enough to make political choices are consistent with what has been promised.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The armed band is no longer a crime

The rule is well hidden in an omnibus order which takes effect in a few days, October 9: DL 03/15/2010 n. 66 published in the Official Gazette on 8 May under the title "Code of the military." The decree covers the beauty standards of 1085 and, among these, the number 297, which abolishes the "No Dl 02/14/1948 43 ": that which punished with imprisonment from 1 to 10 years" anyone who promotes, establishes, organizes or directs military associations, which pursue, even indirectly, for political purposes "and organize themselves to carry out" acts of violence or threat. "

The trick is there and you see: a measure repealing a myriad of useless old rules is used to disguise the decriminalization of a serious crime and, sadly, very current. I wonder if the head of state, who regularly co-signed the decree, has noticed. The idea is, besides the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa, also the holder of the simplification of rules, the Northern League's Roberto Calderoli. What occurred to these gentlemen, among other things, the height of the new alarms about a possible return of terrorism, to decriminalize the military and paramilitary gangs of politically motivated? Perhaps the existence of an ongoing process in Verona for 14 years against the Northern League politicians and activists from around the Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy and Veneto, accused of organizing a paramilitary group in 1996 called "National Guard Po ", complete with a split: the famous green shirts, the guardians of secession. A process that until a few months ago also saw defendants Bossi, Maroni,(now ministers) Borghezio, Spurs and five other senior executives who were MPs at the time, including of course Calderoli.

Originally, the charges made by the prosecutor Guido Papalia on the basis of investigations by the Digos and copious wiretaps, in which many players were talking about guns and various weapons, were three: attack on the Constitution, attack the unity and integrity State, setting up a paramilitary outlaws. But the first two, with another "law to bond," were de facto decriminalized (still only on actual use of violence) in 2005 by the center at the time of the second Berlusconi government. He remained standing in the third, that the decree removed from the Russian-Calderoli. The Northern League leader indicted were already saved from the usual process by voting impunitario of Parliament, declared that he had "indisputable" such as whether to establish a paramilitary band fell among the crimes of opinion of those elected by the people. Papalia appealed to the Constitutional Court with two conflicts of powers between branches of government against the Chamber, but failed to get right. Remained charged 36 people, including Giampaolo Gobbo, secretary of the Liga Veneta and the deputy mayor of Treviso and Matthew Bragantini. But yesterday, the first day of the trial to the Court of Verona, she got the lawyer Patrick Edwards reporting to the judges who also survived the offense is going to evaporate: just wait until October 9th and all the defendants should be acquitted by law. Astonishment: nobody had noticed. The Court has been forced to acknowledge that, and postpone the hearing to November 19, pending the entry into force of the decree. Then the process will rest in peace forever. The green shirts and their sponsors can rest easy. The Party of Love, always ready to denounce the "climate of hatred that can degenerate into violence," he decriminalized the armed band. For the 'conspiracy of judges "denounced by B. Instead, we will proceed as soon as possible to be shot.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Clown’s Mask Slips

(the Times - London)
Berlusconi must answer allegations of womanising and questions about inappropriate behaviour. The quality of government is a not a private matter
The most distasteful aspect of Silvio Berlusconi’s behaviour is not that he is a chauvinist buffoon. Nor is it that he cavorts with women more than 50 years younger than himself, abusing his position to offer them jobs as models, personal assistants or even, absurdly, candidates for the European Parliament. What is most shocking is the utter contempt with which he treats the Italian public.

The ageing Lothario may find it amusing, or even perhaps daring, to act the playboy, boasting of his conquests, humiliating his wife and making comments that to many women are grotesquely inappropriate. He is not the first or the only one whose undignified behaviour is inappropriate to his office. But when legitimate questions are asked about relationships that touch on the scandalous and newspapers challenge him to explain associations that, at best, are puzzling, the clown’s mask slips. He threatens those newspapers and televisions stations that he controls, invokes the law to protect his “privacy”, issues evasive and contradictory statements and then melodramatically promises to resign if he is caught lying.

Mr Berlusconi’s private life is, of course, private. But as President Clinton found, scandal does not become high office. To his critics, Mr Berlusconi retorts that he still commands high popularity ratings, is very much in control of his Government and will not be intimidated by what he calls opposition attempts to smear him. Many may also say that Italy is not America: that the puritan ethic framing standards in the US has never dominated Italian public life, and that few Italians are shocked by womanising. This is patronising nonsense. Italians understand just as well as Americans what is and what is not acceptable. And like Americans, they regard a cover-up as contemptible.

Few media outlets in Italy are able to make this point without fear of retribution. But to its credit La Repubblica has continually raised questions about the Prime Minister’s relationship with the 18-year-old Noemi Letizia, whose birthday gift of a necklace was the pretext for Mrs Berlusconi’s divorce action. To most of these questions, on the lips of every bemused Italian voter, there has been no satisfactory answer. When and how did he meet her family? Did Mr Berlusconi ask for photographs from a model agency and initiate contact with Ms Letizia? What truth is there in reports that dozens of young women were invited to parties at his Sardinian villa?

Mr Berlusconi has promised to explain everything to parliament. But he can hardly have reassured his critics with his weekend injunction blocking publication of about 700 photographs purporting to show what went on at these parties. Nor is he helped by his hapless Foreign Minister, who attempted to defend his boss by pointing out that the age of consent in Italy was 14 — as if this were relevant.

Does it all matter? Some Italians will say no. Others will say it is no business of outsiders. But Italian voters, in the run-up to the European elections, ought to reflect on how their Government is run, on the candidates thought suitable for Strasbourg and on the level of prime ministerial candour during political and economic turmoil.

It concerns others too. Italy hosts the G8 meeting this year. Important discussions are taking place in that forum, where Western governments are pressing for greater co-operation in combating terrorism and international crime. Mr Berlusconi sees himself as a friend of Vladimir Putin. His country is an important member of Nato. It is also part of the eurozone, which is being tested by the global financial crisis. It is not only Italian voters who wonder what is going on. So do Italy’s nonplussed allies.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

To die in Milan

EShe is dead in Via Marina in Milan, during a cold night ,more than the others. Frozen to death between the Gallery of Modern Art and the Museum of Natural Science. When it's cold usually brings with it, in heaven, even the stars. She was called Ulyana and was a Ukrainian woman of 48 years. She ate something at the public soup kitchen and then fell asleep forever in a bench, 100 meters from the fashion district. Near the Via Della Spiga and Via Montenapoleone decorated with Christmas lights. Die of cold in Milan is a tramp stuff like Jannacci said in his song. Invisible people who could be saved with a coat, a scarf, a pair of gloves. Leaving open the stations and metros in the icy nights. Against the deaths of the poor, the Milanese can give sleeping bags, heavy blankets or quilts, coats, jackets or heavy jackets to City Angels in via Theodosius 85, Milan. Die of cold among the gift parcels is inconceivable.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Transparency International: "3.8% of the Italians involved in corruption"

In Italy more than a million people, equivalent to 3.8% of the adult population, have paid bribes or were involved in corruption. it is 'what emerges from the last report ' on Corruption Barometer 'by Transparency International, a global network leader in the fight against corruption, based in Berlin. The report shows that using the method of 'bribe' is mainly the area of permits, the tax with a strong increase in real estate transactions and customs. According to the document, which measure the phenomenon based on the perception of respondents, over 90 thousand worldwide, however the citizens show signs of presence and awareness of their role: 85% of respondents would support those who report cases of corruption or abuse, 86% believe that citizens can make a difference in improving the situation. The level of trust rewards non-governmental organizations (15.3%), the government with 13.4%, probably perceived as motivated by good intentions, but with their hands tied. "

The element is completely lacking confidence in the country, as has noted the president Maria Teresa Brassiolo of Italy Transaprency : "40% of citizens said they would not trust any of the organisms investigated in the survey." Among the categories perceived as most corrupt in Italy are the media (3.3 out of 5), industry (3.7 out of 5), Parliament (4 out of 5) and the judiciary (3.4 out of 5). Those less corrupt are all non-governmental organizations, the army, the education system and the police 31%.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bergamo, banners and dung front of the house of the Minister

On the night of the protest against the education minister, then claimed by the students
"We have breached the fortress in front of her house and unloaded the natural reaction to the reform"

Challenging the Minister of Education, Mariastella Gelmini, last night outside her home in Bergamo. To protest against the reform, some young men hung a banner at the gate of the building where the minister lives and downloaded dung at the gate.

"The city of Bergamo is home of the minister most beloved by all students of Italy - the authors wrote the initiative in a press release sent at a later time, they have violated this stronghold and discharged before Gelmini home the 'natural' reaction to her reform. "

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wikileaks, the italian truth of America

by our correspondent Federico Rampini
Five years by the American Embassy in Rome at the State Department. We never knew so much and so quickly, on what America thinks of us. A week since the cyclone WikiLeaks, Italy-US relations and especially the position of Washington on Silvio Berlusconi are strippedin 3012 confidential dispatches . A piece of contemporary history unveiled uncensored, without the veil of diplomatic courtesy.
The language is so raw that this week, Hillary Clinton has already done the work of mending, praising the alliance between the two countries at the summit in Kazakhstan. It's the same attention to strategic friendship shown by the previous ambassador, Ronald Spogli ("the relationship between the United States and Italy is excellent, tremendous cooperation on many fronts") before adding: "Unfortunately, efforts to adjust their own Berlusconi relations between the West and Russia undermines its credibility and are a real nuisance to our relationship. "

Spogli has been the man of Bush in Rome for four years. Comes from high finance (co-founder of a private equity firm), solid conservative, with its establishment in 2005 starts with a favorable opinion about Berlusconi. To the point of support at the White House insistence that the Italian prime minister wants Washington to support the elections of 2006 (also won by Romano Prodi). In a dispatch "secret" of 26 October 2005 on flattering ("The strongest ally in continental Europe"), the U.S. ambassador reported that Berlusconi wants to be received by Bush and then make a speech to the U.S. Congress to increase its chance of being reelected. " In Washington, said Spogli, Berlusconi wants to go to a reputation as the most pro-American,"in a time when the premier is below eight points in the polls with his government and the economy stagnates.

The tone is unrecognizable in the same dispatch that Spogli sends two years and ten months later. It is August 12, 2008, the Ambassador in Italy preparing the visit of Vice President Dick Cheney. Another superconservative, biased in favor of a right-wing leaders like Berlusconi (since returned to government). Spogli now feels the need to warn Cheney. First Iran, where "the grip of Italy to the UN sanctions is complicated by the commercial interests". But above all there is in the dialogue between Washington and Rome, the boulder-Putin. "In the past, the existence of a strong Communist Party in Italy has given Russia a level of influence unseen in other Western European countries - the ambassador wrote to the vice president - recently the engine of the report is the personal relationship between Berlusconi and Putin, based on their commercial interests and preference that Berlusconi shows for leaders from the wrist hard. " The dossier of the gas: "The shares of Eni - feel Spogli - is reinforcing the grip of Russia on energy supplies to Western Europe."

The situation is stretched in subsequent dispatches, thanks to the sending of Italian carabinieri in Afghanistan, and outputs pro-Israeli Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, registered with the U.S. embassy smug tones.
Then the mistrust explodes in an even more serious. The reason is always Putin. This time the suspects become severe. It makes the appearance of the "deep throats" in the entourage of Berlusconi. E 'November 15, 2008, when a part of the Via Veneto from the embassy report alarmed. Three days before the Italian premier gave the show at a press conference in Turkey. "He accused the U.S. of having provoked Russia with the recognition of Kosovo, the anti-missile shield, the invitation to Ukraine and Georgia closer to NATO."

The State Department report indicates that we are "the culmination of an escalation of incendiary comments and harmful to Russia since Berlusconi returned to the government." The embassy describes Frattini and Gianni Letta as "dismayed before the last burst of Berlusconi (sic)." I trust the prime minister loyal to American diplomacy, "Do not listen to us, Russia is alone." The secret dispatch collects for the first time this new element: "Many of his colleagues suspect that Berlusconi and his cronies have personal gain relationships with Russian partners."

The reasons for the deep distrust of America is summarized in a lengthy report signed Spogli. It 's the most detailed report of all, a final budget before the ambassador to leave the Republican headquarters in Rome. Date: January 26, 2009. The unpredictable outputs are explained by the fact that Berlusconi Italian Prime Minister "wants to be seen as a major player in European foreign policy." The ambassador returned to insist on the "murky connection Berlusconi-Putin" and the sources for "personal profit". Valentino Valentini appears as an agent in the shadows, in Moscow by the personal interests of the premier. Spogli warns the new U.S. president, Obama, who would even Berlusconi "educate the young and inexperienced American leader" on relations with Russia. Obama beware, says the ambassador, "Berlusconi would seek to promote the interests of Russia." Here appears the fierce definition: "It 'a spokesman for Putin. His desire is to remain dominant in the good graces of the Russian."

In the interregnum between the two American embassies, the offices of Via Veneto is led by Elizabeth Dibble, the highest diplomatic career (now promoted to Washington as leader in the European section of the Department of State). Berlusconi is one that will define her "third-degree official" after the cyclone-WikiLeaks. The Dibble is directly solicited by Hillary Clinton, June 9, 2009 with preferential axis Putin sends the request to "change things if Berlusconi is no longer prime minister?".

It 's the Dibble to prepare for the arrival of Obama in Italy for the G8 Aquila. The vicarious ambassador warns its president Berlusconi is "inept, vain, unable as a modern European leader." Dealing with him, warns high diplomatic, "demands great prudence." No one in Via Veneto nor Washington has given importance to the celebration of Berlusconi gaffe on Obama "tanned". The problems are more serious. The Americans suspect that behind the systematic action of the pro-Russian Prime Minister there are extra-political reasons. A historical ally like Italy, concerned about this huge gray area on what drives our foreign policy.

It is dated 27 October 2009 the first major report, signed by the new ambassador, Democrat David Thorne. Boston, tradition-bound Liberal kennedyana, brother of John Kerry who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Thorne painted a stage that has all the symptoms of decay. The title of his secret report to the State Department is explicit: "The scandals affecting the physical health and political power of Berlusconi." It 's still Gianni Letta (the most intimate political friend of Berlusconi), this time with Giampiero Cantoni, to describe a premier Thorne "sapped the party night without power, with disastrous medical examinations." (The ambassador will see it then nod off during their meeting). E 'worried about having to return 750 million for the verdict on Mondadori ( biggest publishing company of Italy) scandal.. E 'beleaguered by the cost of divorce from Veronica Lario. The concern for the ruling for Mafia of Senator Dell'Utri.

Thorne describes "the paranoia of conspiracies, the idea that they're conspiring against him Confindustria, secret services, the Vatican, the United States." Tell us about the offense of the summit with the king of Jordan canceled because Berlusconi went to a private party in Putin's dacha, to celebrate his birthday, perhaps to escape the curiosity of the Italian paparazzi around his party. " It 's a part of the Lower Empire, which Thorne complete but with a warning to Washington: you should never underestimate the ability of Berlusconi's political survival. Earlier this year (January 28, 2010) is the Clinton to return to the office, this time by pressing on two U.S. embassies in Rome and Moscow on Berlusconi and Putin calls for more investigation, wants to know "what they have personal investments, which can lead their political choices. "

WikiLeaks puts the post-American diplomacy on the defensive. The Clinton administration is committed to exhausting "apology tour", the world tour to apologize to everyone. But for no other head of government of a Western democracy, a partner of NATO, the secret messages of American diplomacy have a character so explosive. For Nicolas Sarkozy or Angela Merkel, even objects of personal portraits biting, there is no shadow of suspicion that hangs over the whole gigantic Italian foreign policy: it was caught in the ambiguous and disturbing relationship between a pair of very special leader.