Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The shit hits the fan

Some people compare Berlusconi with Al Capone. The former on his way out because of stories involving prostitutes, the latter imprisoned for tax dodging. But the comparison doesn’t stand up for two reasons. The first is that Al Capone was the boss of Chicago, but not the President of the United States. He was a private citizen, not the First Citizen. The second reason is that he did not have available to him information about the big tax dodgers of America, whereas the psycho-dwarf certainly has a cupboard full of dossiers on all those who have been gravely sinning, and not just sexually, whether they are in Parliament or in the institutions. How many are there and who are they? Before leaving the stage he will bring them down. He will use his media like cannons. In 1993 it was said that politics could not be substituted by the magistracy. The collapse of the 5-party set up has gifted us with the worst twenty year period of the Republic and the restoration of the Craxi-ists and the P2-ists. Who remembers Tina Alselmi? In 2011 we are still at the starting point, like a never-ending ‘Game of The Goose’. Then the bribe money, today the showgirls. In this legislature the Oppositions (?) have had a number of opportunities to bring down the government. It would have been a worthwhile action. It didn’t happen. And politics has been substituted by Ruby. Politics cannot abdicate its role. Bersani, Fini, Casini, D'Alema, Veltroni and other courageous ones are using a young girl as their shield for the end game. A game that should have and could have ended a decade ago. Berlusconi has been a lame duck for some time. He is the past. But, in politics, there’s a variety of ways to bury the dead. The risk is that even the Italian Republic might get buried. After the fall of Benito Mussolini, there was chaos, September 8, the fleeing of the king. Berlusconi is the one who is the guarantee of very precarious equilibria. The economy is close to collapse, whatever ‘Tremorti’ says. If there were elections, with PDL in disorder, the Lega could get a majority in the North and start off the secession with the consensus in the Veneto region and in Lombardy. The psycho-dwarf in his own way has been the glue of a Nation that is in decay, his alibi and his mirror. This evening in the streets of the cities of Italy, hundreds of underage girls will be offering themselves as prostitutes to the general indifference of the public and today multitudes of Italians will take off in flight, true modern ogres, to rape children in the world. Is anybody interested? We can expect a period of private shit in the fan; I believe that almost no one will be immune. (Beppe Grillo)

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