Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Elite Decides

January 26, 2011
Federico Varese, a professor of criminology at Oxford University, is the author of the forthcoming "Mafias on the Move: How Organized Crime Conquers New Territories."

With Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's latest escapades, Italy's standing in the world has never been so low as it is now. Indeed, as an Italian citizen, I'm often asked: "Why have Italians tolerated this man for so long?"

Ordinary Italians might have reached the tipping point, but not the economic, social and political elite.
A vast section of the Italian public is outraged at Mr. Berlusconi's behavior. Nearly 50 percent of Italians recently polled called for him to step down. It is likely that several million will sign a petition demanding his resignation. And contrary to Mr. Berlusconi's claims, 70 percent of Italians do not support his People of Freedom Party.

Generalized attitudes, critical as they might be, have to be channeled into viable political solutions. In a "mature" democracy, the leaders of the People of Freedom would suggest Mr. Berlusconi step down for the good of the party. But in Italy, he owns his party. The opposition party should be a credible alternative; but it isn't.

You would think the news media would be running damaging in-depth investigations on the latest scandal. But Mr. Berlusconi owns private channels and controls several state-run ones as well; those who oppose him are usually vilified in the press.

Other crucial players in Italian politics are reluctant to ditch him. For the most part, Italian business leaders still prefer Mr. Berlusconi’s government over the one led by the Left. And the Vatican, which has benefited from measures implemented by his government like support for Catholic schools and tax breaks for Church-run hotels, has been extremely timid in its criticism. Most crucially, Mr. Berlusconi remains the favored partner of the anti-immigrant Northern League, which advocates for a federal system for Italy.

Ordinary Italians might have reached the tipping point, but not the economic, social and political elite. Let's hope they catch up soon.

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